11. meddle about

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It had been seven days since Theodore's birthday, and the time went ever so fast I could barely even count a day as a day; more as a minute or two.

Those days passed by in a blur, and nothing much happened either. Eye contact was the only true and gracious event that occurred during the seven days of nothing in the homely grounds of Hogwarts.

I still had no clue what the past fight was about between Theodore and Cormac. Both of their black eyes had faded quite a bit now, which was expected seen as though it had occurred nearly three weeks ago.

The year was already going by so fast, as said by me previously, like a blur.

Honestly, as much as I detested school and work and all that shit, I didn't want it to ever end.

The thought of going off and getting a job or experience whatever my life was destined to lead on to, was not something I was ready for. I wasn't prepared for any of it. Sure, I was fairly mature and knew how to look after myself. But the thing was, school was the easy part. We didn't have to worry about taxes, income or any of that bullshit. We didn't have to search for jobs and get turned down a every single one. We didn't have to worry about children and entering parenthood. We were free, in our perspective. Even though the dark forces penetrated the castle walls of our once-hopeful school of witchcraft and wizardry, it was better than out there.

I wanted to explore, that was one of the only reasons I wanted to finish school, and one of the only few reasons at that. I wanted to go to Italy, France, Greece, Mexico, maybe even somewhere in America. I wanted to live by myself, grow with myself and learn to actually be alone, physically this time. I wanted to meet someone and fall in love. But I didn't want to do that last part of it wasn't with one specific person.

I didn't want to do anything until I knew what he felt, what he wanted.

Yet I didn't want to any of these things. I wanted to lead a chaotic and immature life before going out into the real world. I wanted to be a schoolgirl forever and spend my heart on beautiful people I had only ever passed in the corridor. I wanted to have a longing, forbidden, rule-breaking, time-wasting, once in a lifetime, tragic, love.

It was slowly but steadily tearing me apart, school coming to an end.

Everything happens for a reason, right?

So, what was this reason?

•─────⋅ ⋅─────


Florence sat with her own thoughts in the comfort of hers and Lenora's beloved dorm room, all alone, wrenching her heart out to the poems of Emily Dickinson.

It was dark out, but the depths of the dungeons we called 'home' weren't allowing the slytherins to see that.

Lenora and Draco had accompanied each other to a detention with McGonogall after both being late to two separate classes, surprisingly not because of each other.

It was extremely quiet in Florence's dorm, the only sound to be heard was the crackling firewood and the flipping of pages as she read several poems over and over again until she soon understood and uncovered the full meaning of each and every one, because she had nothing else to do.

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