o9. fighting with a cause

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Lenora and I chatted away in the great hall, just the two of us, during our study hall. It was a moment I'd cherish forever, it just being the two of us, and nothing else getting in our little school-girl ways. Because the truth was, it wasn't going to last forever. In fact, it wasn't going to be like that for much longer.

We knew that by the end of our sixth year, something big would've happened. As we said to each other on the boat ride to Hogwarts at the beginning of the year that we both felt as if it was going to be different by seventh year, but that change hadn't happened quite so yet.

Thankfully, Snape was teaching a defence against the dark arts lesson which meant that the rules of study hall were more relaxed than they would be with him patrolling the room, keeping his beady little eyes on every student he suspected to be misbehaving.

Lenora was telling me about her previous lesson and how Draco's shirt lifted up so she could see his 'abs', which of course I couldn't say so certainly as I'd never seen them myself. Also, the fact that him and her made eye contact when he entered the room. I didn't mind her talking about Draco. As long as she was with me, I was okay.

We constantly talked about some hot guys in the year above we saw, or what our siblings had recently done that annoyed us. But the sibling thing made me realise something, I didn't have anything to tell her. I couldn't remember the last time me and Emmie had really had a conversation, I rarely ever saw her. The thought of that forced some sadness over me, I had to admit that I kind of missed her annoyance and our bickering. However, everything was rudely interrupted by Filch limping into the great hall with an extremely concerned look across his face.

Luckily, me and Lenora were sat right next to Professor McGonagall at the far end of the hall, giving us the welcomed capability to listen into what the old guy had to say.

"What's wrong, Argus?" McGonogall questioned as he arrived at her acquired seat with sweat almost dripping off his forehead, having to hold onto his knees as he bent over for stabilisation after taking a 'long' walk from one end of the hall to another.

"A gryffindor and a slytherin are fighting using non-magic, in the courtyard. Sixth years." He stated between heavy breaths.

Me and Lenora were quick to turn to look at each other with wide eyes and worry on our faces, more mine that hers. Before McGonogall could even think of her next step, Lena and I were already speeding out of the great hall, making our rushed ways towards the close courtyard.

A few 'fights' and cheers wee heard from rowling students around the corner from where me and Lenora ran with effort.

When we arrived, there were several students surrounding the physical fight, not letting me see who it was, or what was actually happening. But I knew for sure I would know them.

The students were gathered in the outdoor, stone corridors that beautifully surrounded the courtyard, how ironic due to the circumstances that were occurring in the ever so beautiful environment.

Lenora barged through the crowd, after I did, to see the show that everyone was so excitingly watching. And I felt my heart ache at the sight of who it, just so amazingly, happened to be.

The slytherin boy took another punch at the boy lying in agony on the stone ground, I wasn't there to witness any others but I could confirm there definitely had been more from the way the gryffindor's nose was bleeding red.

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