32. two can play .

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warning: viewer discretion is advised ig :D


The fact that Pansy was always flirting with Theo didn't really bother Florence that much, she was still jealous, yes, but from when she knew Pansy, she knew she had these phases of going from boy to boy. Normally, the boys always went for her too, Theo once would've, but it was too late for her now.

Florence missed hers and Pansy's friendship, although she never wanted to admit it, Pansy was one of the funniest people she had ever met, second to Blaise, of course. However, when they were friends, it was always Pansy and Daphne who were the closest, and everything works out the way it's meant to, their friendship just wasn't meant to survive. But, Florence knew she could never go back to being close with her, Pansy always used to say shitty things about Ivy whenever she talked to Florence and she always used to slag her off behind her back anyway. Yet she was still there for her when she needed her the most. Ever since they stopped being friends, that was when Florence fully stopped opening up to people. She used to show her emotions, but as she got older she grew to control them, and by the time she was 13, she realised no one around her gave a single fuck about how she felt, in her opinion she just made everything worse for everyone.

Florence had changed an awful lot since her friend group separated, she knew that. Even her personality had changed, and she preferred the new one.

She was only close with Lenora from her friend group now, they were both in slytherin which made it easier as well to stay closer as they shared a dorm. She rarely ever talked to Clara anymore and Daphne was basically out of her life for good. Isabelle sometimes smiled at her in the halls but that was all, and Pansy, well she just gave her death glares and then acted like her best friend the next minute. She just tried not to let her bother her anymore.

Four days had passed since Theodore had left Florence alone in the classroom, and he hadn't touched her since. She was bloody pissed at him. He'd made eye contact, she'd talked to him a lot, but not once had he laid a hand on her, not even on her thigh in defence against the dark arts. She craved his touch so bad. Secretly, he craved hers as well.

Florence was walking down the hall to a dreaded herbology lesson, silently praying Theo would come along and force her to skip, but he didn't. As she neared the last corner to turn for herbology, she heard a shout from behind her, someone calling her name, along with heavy, paced footsteps, from someone who was running. She quickly turned around to see Mitch Compton, a hufflepuff from her year. She had always been friendly with him, in fact, in second year she even had a crush on him, but she soon got rid of that when he started dating one of her closet friends, Isabelle Filey.

Mitch Compton was a tall lad with green eyes and jet black, fluffy hair. He was a really kind boy but some rumours had gone around about him being a fuck boy, and those rumours were also the truth. He'd been able to get all the ladies he wanted ever since he was in third year, and still did til sixth year, even to that day.

"Mitch, hi!" Florence smiled at him, slowly walking over to him as his running slowed down and he gained closeness to her as well.

"Hey!" He greeted, running his hand through his fluffy hair. Florence couldn't lie, he was attractive, especially when he did that. But he was nothing compared to Theo. "What class have you got?" He leant his head down closer to Florence.

"Herbology, you?" Florence replied, clutching her herbology book against her stomach as she spoke.

He smirked down at her before answering, "Potions, want me to walk you?" The black haired hufflepuff didn't even give Florence a chance to speak before already taking a few steps beside her and beginning to walk towards the greenhouse. "So, Florence, I was wondering, are you going to the party in the slytherin common room in a couple of weeks?"

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