35. for the birthday girl .

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Two days it been since the party held for Florence in the slytherin common room. It was now Florence's actual birthday.

Florence's parents always sent her presents to the school by owl, they were always small ones since their family owl, Gwen, was quite small and weak herself. They always used to give her the bigger presents when she got back to their house for rite holidays, that is if there were any that year.

And by Florence's parents, I mean Florence's mother and step-father. She'd only ever received presents from her dad whilst she was at school on her birthday up until fourth year, then he just randomly stopped sending them.

Florence never tried to question her after about this, not like she ever saw him a lot anyway. He tended to do a lot of things that sometimes left her wondering why she still has the slightest hope their father-daughter relationship could possibly work put.

Florence woke up on her birthday morning in a room she wasn't so used to waking up in, Theo's dorm. She was just wearing his navy hoodie, only that, as he lay his head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat as his arms were snaked around her waist as they slept, her hand rested on Theo's curls after falling asleep running her fingers through his hair, something she had found herself doing quite a lot recently.

As he eyes fluttered open, the first person she saw was Theo, sleeping soundly with his arms wrapped around her, looking the most peaceful she had ever seen him, quite a beautiful sight.

She looked around the room cautiously but in a lazy and unbothered manner just to see that the other two beds in his dorm were empty. Blaise and Draco must have not come back to their dorm the previous night, goodness knows where they slept.

"Good morning, birthday girl," Theo's raspy morning voice caught Florence off guard as she snapped out of her trance from looking around the room, checking to see they didn't have any company.

Theo flashed her a grin as she turned to look at him lying on her chest, still in the same position he had been in almost all night, ever since they had decided to fall asleep.

"Hey," Florence whispered, even though she hadn't meant for it to come out so quietly.

Florence's hand found it's way into Theo's messy hair once more, running her fingers through slowly, playing with it.

"Happy birthday, love," He whispered to her as his lips found they way to her neck, pacing a trail of soft kisses along her skin.

She smiled at his touch as he hand continued to play with his curls, he loved it.

She couldn't quite recall the day or even moment of her telling Theo when her birthday was. She was kind of pissed that he knew as well, she hated attention on her birthday, just as much as she did on any other regular day of living, but she didn't mind it when it came to Theo.

They lay there like that for a few more minutes, letting their eyes adjust to the light as they had just woken up, Theo occasionally showering Florence with kisses.

"C'mon, let's get up," Theo demanded, pecking Florence's cheek as he did, removing his strong arms from underneath her body.

He impressed her even more when he didn't kiss her on the lips in the morning, this man just kept giving and giving more everyday.

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