29. valentines, my love .

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warning: smut. smut. smut. smut. did i mention smut?

lol that was so late there's already been like 4 reads but we move


It was the 14th of February, also known as Valentine's day. Lenora and Florence were in their dorm on that friday morning, talking about Adrian and how Lenora ended it, and how they were both 'single' for Valentines. It wasn't a surprise to either of them they they didn't have any valentines. They weren't that bothered either, in fact, they weren't bothered at all. 

Lenora expected Florence's valentines to be Theo Nott, but sadly, he never asked her to be. She was fine with that, it bothered her a little bit but she thought he might've just forgotten. Bare in mind, it's not like they were dating anyway.

To the girls' surprise, Blaise barged into the room, their door flew open, hitting against the wall, "Sup, ladies," He greeted the two who were sitting on Lenora's bed, their legs crossed, facing each other, "No valentines dates, huh?"

"Oh, please, Blaise!" Lenora scoffed, "It's not like you have a valentines either, you're just as pathetic as the both of us,"

Blaise raised his eyebrows at Lenora's comment and waited for her and Florence to catch onto what he was saying, "You have?" Lenora questioned, somehow not believing the circumstances.

"That shit hurt," Blaise faked sadness as he perched himself on the end of Lenora's bed.

"What happened to Theo, Florence? Very surprised he hasn't asked you, maybe he forgot, or maybe he doesn't like you like I thought he did," Blaise was right. Theo had forgotten, sort of. He knew it was valentine's day. But he hadn't known you had to ask someone to be your valentines a few days before, he thought that was just what people did for dances and balls and things like that, he didn't realise that was normally what people did for occasions such as Valentine's day.

"Oh, shut up, Zabini," Florence turned around and playfully whacked Blaise on his arm with the herbology book she had in front of her, which her and Lenora and her were supposed to be using to study but neither had even flipped a single page yet. "Who's the lucky person?"

"You know that girl who I was talking to the other day in potions?" He asked, lying down sideways on Lenora's bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"No...?" Florence replied as she turned her head around to look at the boy lying on his back behind her, "Oh my god- Wait... yesterday in potions?" Blaise gave her a cheeky grin and her mouth went agape with shock, "You're valentine is Daphne fucking Greengrass?" Florence questioned, remembering seeing them talk for a minute or two the day before in potions, she'd seen Daphne giggling and Blaise smirking but she was too tired to think much of it, it was their first lesson. Florence was always half-asleep until their third lesson.

Blaise kept his beaming grin as he looked at the shocked girl next to him, Lenora peered round Florence's shoulder to see Blaise and she looked just as shocked as Florence, "When did this happen?" Lenora demanded, her eyes darting from Blaise to Florence, expecting an answer from either one of them.

"Only yesterday, I didn't know who to ask," Blaise admitted, resting his hands below his head.

"So you used her as a last resort?" Lenora inquired. Blaise's smile loosened as he saw his fellow slytherins staring at him with disapproval and his dark eyes flickered between the two with a blank expression. "Blaise!"

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