43. one last night

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this is basically just a filler chapter and honestly is shite so beware


When the sun was setting, and the moon was rising, Lenora Degarmo was wandering through the corridors of Hogwarts by herself, a cheeky smile on her face, her eyes glistening with joy, making her quick way down to her common room in the dungeons, something on her mind she desperately wanted to get out.

As soon as she had reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room no time was wasted before she was inside, immediately spotting her few friends over by the fireplace, their usual spot, and going over to them.

Florence sat up in her place on the sofa beside Blaise, turning her head to the side to see her best friend standing beside her wearing a smile across her face. The girl who was sat's eyebrows immediately knitted together as she took in the extremely joyful state of the girl standing beside the sofa.

"You seem very cheery," Florence greeted her with what all their friends were thinking. Those friends being Blaise, Theodore, Draco, Adrian, and then there was Pansy, who Lenora wasn't quite sure of the reason for her being there, "Something happen?"

Lenora shook her head as her eyes locked with Florence's.

In that moment, no one except Blaise had noticed, but Draco's eyes suddenly glistened with something none of them were really quite used to, it was a different look in them, they looked content. Even Draco barely noticed the fact that he perked up when he had seen the smile worn on Lenora's face, but when he noticed how he felt around her, he instantly forced the small smile that was forming to disappear and replaced his expression with the cold, distant one he regularly wore. He knew he shouldn't feel that way about her. Even though she was a pureblood, there were many other things that made him think he wasn't allowed to be that way around her. And the main one was that she wasn't his. She wasn't his to feel that way about. She was, once, those many months ago. But they were, to his utter disappointment, living in the present. And the present wasn't so much of a friend to them as the past was. Everything had changed. He needed to too. He desperately wanted his feelings for the girl to go away, but something in him couldn't quite let go.

She was the first girl to ever make him feel the way he did. He just wished everything had happened differently. It was all over before it had even begun.

Blaise sighed before he turned his frequently-occupied attention back to the beaming Slytherin who was yet to explain the reason for her sudden happiness.

She shook her head in response to Florence's question and her smile softened, trying to be more serious. "No, nothings happened. But, I was wondering," She began, looking in between all of the other Slytherins there on the sofas. "It's been a while since we've all like, you know, done something, I suppose? And, well, I think we should all go out to Hogsmeade," She continued, "Now."

Florence bit her bottom lip in anxiousness as she looked at her friend. She didn't want to let her down, and with everything that was going on, it just gave them all an excuse for a well-earned break. Her eyes glanced around at her friends and they all seemed to be on board with the plan, despite a couple uneasy expressions being worn. She turned back to Lenora and a smile slowly appeared on her face, "Sure, let's go out."

Theo met Florence's gaze as she stood up next to Lenora and Blaise met eyes with Draco, who too, like the rest, seemed slightly on edge about the whole situation, but he nodded. "Yeah, we'll all go," Blaise stated, sending a smile and a nod Lenora's way.

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