23. where no one goes

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this is going to be the first chapter in third person and i've realised this does in fact work better for me so the rest of the chapters will be in third person.

maybe soon i'll go back and rewrite the previous chapters as third person.


The day drew on and the lessons dragged. It had been three days since the quidditch game, which meant it had been three days of sore legs.

Florence hadn't stumbled, thankfully, so hopefully no one had noticed, but she sure did, and so did Theo. He constanly teased her about it whenever he noticed one odd movement. He was loving it.

Lenora was over near the tree in the courtyard with Adrian, giggling about something he just said. Florence, however, was on the opposite side of the courtyard sitting on the window arches by herself, studying for transfiguration, which was extremely rare for her to be doing.

It was near the end of lunch and she had herbology next. She was never a big fan of herbology, nor was she very good at it, but she had never skipped a lesson here entire time at hogwarts. As much as she disliked the class she would have rather sat through an hour of it than have detention for even longer during the time in which she would usually spend 'relaxing', although Florenve never really could relax most of the time.

The brunette teen was watching Lenora and Pucey from affar, occasionally looking at the bypassers strolling by or looking at the clouds in the sky, seeing if they made any shapes. Her courageous mind was snapped out of it's zone as Blaise Zabini climbed through the archway, sitting beside the girl he wanted to give some company on the stone wall and dangling his legs in front of him. "Hey, Blaise." Florence greeted him, turning her undivided attention away from her best friend and the boy she was talking to.

His gaze had shifted upon the two over by the tree who had now sat themselves down on the grass, facing one another. "Sup, Mortimer?" He turned his head to the side to look at Florence, then he looked back at the other two. "Do you think she's gonna go for Theo next?"

"Blaise!" Florence reacted at his unneeded comment, looking happy yet shocked as it surprised her he would say that.

"Florence!" Blaise laughed as he moved backwards on the wall, resting his back against the stone wall before bringing his knees up in front of him, but they weren't high enough for Florence not to be able to see his face as they sat and spoke. "Draco seems really pissed about it. He doesn't show it, of course. But I've known him long enough to know he is not taking this lightly." Blaise's head rested on the stone as he watched Florence flick over another page of the book held in her hands.

"What ya reading there?"

Blaise lifted his head up in order to try and examine the book she held. "Studying for transfiguration." Florence replied, lifting up her open book with her right hand to show him. He smirked as he read the cover and laughed at the fact Florence was so aimlessly stupid in some of her ways.

"What?" Florence snapped at Blaise after noticing the smug look on his face.

"You can read upside down?" Blaise chuckled at the clueless slytherin in front of him, who still seemed to have no idea what he found so amusing. "Merlin, Florence! Your book!"

Her dark eyebrows furrowed when she glanced back at the book which she in fact did happen to be holding upside down, much to her surprise as it was to Blaise's. "I could've sworn I was just reading it only a couple of minutes ago!" Florence exclaimed.

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