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The morning after wasn't anything unusual. The dorm room empty except two and nothing to be heard but the soft breathing from both lying on the bed — Florence's bed, to be exact.

Florence awoke to a light weight on her body, and she looked down to see Theo sleeping blissfully with his head rested between her boobs, immediately bringing a warmed smile to her face as she admired her sleeping beauty. The way his curls sprawled out on her chest and collarbone, and the way his lips were slightly parted and his arms were rapped around her torso like a child holding onto it's parent's leg when they don't want it to leave for work, to the way his body lay so peacefully on top of her, his legs in between hers.

She loved mornings like that, when she'd wake up and he'd be the first thing that she saw, and she'd get to quietly admire him before he stirred awake.

Florence brought one hand up to his hair and began threading her fingers through the curls, gently massaged his scalp, careful not to wake him, although, she wouldn't quite mind if she did. She turned to her right to look at the alarm clock on her bedside table; it read 9:28. As if by instinct, she began to panic, thinking they'd overslept. But that panic was soon overcome with realisation when she remembered it was a Sunday.

Theo lightly groaned in his sleep, his arms tightening their grip as he somehow managed to hold her closer, if possible. Florence began to wonder if he was having a nightmare, due to the groan and the fact that he unconsciously pulled himself closer. However, all thoughts were put to a halt when there was a loud knock on the door, two the be exact.

She wondered who it was, seeing as though, if it were Lenora, she would've just walked straight in since it was her dorm after all — and that also made Florence turn to see Lenora's bed empty. Meaning either she stayed with Dean or she'd already come and gone. But she didn't put too much thought into that, she'd rather Lenora not have presence in her mind at all.

She still needed to confront her about it; but it was the nerves and energy she had to deal with to do it. Being a people pleaser came with most disadvantages. One difficulty being her attitude in an argument. She'd think she was right — even know she was right, but always end up trying to end on good terms. But that wasn't a problem with Lenora, because Florence didn't want the outcome of their argument to 'end on good terms'. She never wanted to see the liar again. She was done with her. But she hadn't the energy to tell her.

Of course, when she heard a familiar voice shout, "Flo, you up?" She immediately knew who it was.

She would've been awake now anyways even if she hadn't woken up before he arrived at her dorm.

Looking down to the boy lying on top of her, she heard him stirring due to the obnoxiously loud boy on the other side of the door. Theo groaned in return, "Theo, c'mon you gotta go get breakfast."

That immediately woke him up. There was nothing he loved more than food, well, except from Florence and his friends, but food was definitely in his top three for favourite things.

When he realised he was on top of Florence after he pushed himself up on his elbows, he lay back down and snuggled closer, nuzzling his head in her neck. "Five more minutes."

"Theo, Blaise is at the door, we can't keep him waiting all day."

"Of course he is," Theo was not a morning person.

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