14. high .

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warning: slight sexual content ish


The heavy rainfall wasn't to be heard where we were. All us slytherins.

Rain was honestly my favourite thing in the world, it was like my comfort weather. The fact that you couldn't hear it from down hear in the dungeons pissed me right off.

Lenora was lying on her bed with Draco. He was lying with her lay on top of him, her head was on his chest and he was stroking her hair.

I wasn't jealous. I wasn't. I swear.

"Hey, Mortimer, do you know if Theo's seeing anyone right now? Got any things going on?" Draco called over to me from underneath my best friend. That sounds weirder than what was actually going on.

My lips parted, but no words came out. My eyes were fairly wider than usual and my eyebrows raised slightly, but he couldn't see that, given that I was sat at the end of my bed, facing the door.

I wasn't just doing that, of course. I was reading little women.

My hair was down, as always, and was tucked behind my ears which wore silver earrings, hoops and studs, in each hole I had in them, none of the teachers ever seemed to notice if I just kept my hair in front of my ears. I was wearing a black halter neck and grey joggers, along with a pair of dark green ankle socks.

"Uh, no." I lied. But was it really a lie? "No, I don't think so."

"Oh, okay." Draco replied, "It's just that you two have been hanging out a bit recently. I just wondered if he'd told you anything."

I turned to look at the blond boy, he was wearing his slytherin quidditch jumper and a pair of grey joggers. "He hasn't told me anything."

Now that statement, was definitely not a lie.

Draco nodded at me understandingly before his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and mine did too in unison, wondering why his did.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He then pulled out a wand from his pocket. How the fuck he had fit that in there, I had no idea. "This isn't my wand." He held it up in front of him so he could see what it looked like.

"Where's yours then?" Lenora looked up at Draco.

Draco didn't look down at her, instead he pulled out another wand, his wand. "This is my wand."

I studied the other wand from afar and soon realised who's it was, "Isn't that Theo's wand?"

"God, you've got good eyes haven't you." Draco retorted.

"Thanks?" I replied, shutting my book and pushing myself up from my bed. I walked over to Draco and Lenora and held my hand out, silently asking for him to pass me the wand that didn't belong to him.

This had given me the perfect opportunity to go and talk to Theo, and I was taking the chance. "I'll take it back to him."

"Oh, thanks." Draco expressed his gratitude and handed me the wand.

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