54. heaven over our heads .

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warning: sexual content
unedited so may be a few spelling mistakes


Sunday had already rolled around again, and the day was spent doing little to night, as always.

The night had already arrived, and Florence was hanging out with Blaise and Draco in the common room. Theo had gone up to his dorm to use the bathroom a few minutes ago, so it was just them three.

Until it wasn't.

Lenora came down from the girls' dormitories with a joyful smile on her face, approaching the three who didn't welcome her presence lightly.

"Hey, guys!" She greeted them, sitting down on the same sofa as Draco, who instinctively pulled his legs up in front of him that were once laid out on the sofa.

Draco gave her a brief nod before going back to reading his book and Blaise just began to get increasingly awkward, as always, sensing the painful tension radiating throughout the room.

"Oh my god," Lenora shuffled in her spot as if she just remembered something amazingly important, as if a light bulb had just been turned on in her mind, "Did you hear about what Harper did to Eden?" She looked from Draco, to Blaise to Florence.

Blaise furrowed his eyebrows as he turned to look at Florence, who raised one of her eyebrows in return as if to say she, too, had no idea what Lenora was talking about.

"Who are they?" Draco asked, with no sound of curiosity, actually being interest in the conversation, in his voice.

Lenora's smile faded as she looked at the boy she was sharing a sofa with, "Harper Chapman and Eden Thorne, they're Hufflepuffs - you know what? That doesn't matter. The point is what Eden did to Harper."

"What did she do?" Blaise asked, clearly uninterested, as he leant back into the comfort of the sofa.

"I can't believe you didn't hear," She muttered quickly in disbelief before looking at Blaise, "Eden kissed Harper's boyfriend."

"What, like you kissed Theo?" Florence sent here a fake look of confusion, a smile on her lips.

Lenora's face dropped. Her lips parted, but nothing came out, as if she was going to try and redeem herself but couldn't seem to find anything to justify her actions.

Blaise and Draco both raised their eyebrows, and began to feel even more uncomfortable than before. Draco looked back down at his book with wide eyes and pretended he wasn't paying any attention to the situation. Meanwhile, Blaise had his hand up to his mouth to try and stop the laughter that was threatening to escape his mouth.

"Who told you that?" Lenora asked hesitantly after being caught off-guard. Florence could tell that Lenora was preparing to lie that whoever told it to Florence was lying themselves. But Florence wasn't even going to let her fake it, she was done with it.

"Why? Are you gonna try and convince me whoever told me was lying?" Florence retorted, her eyes showing only betrayal and disappointment.

"They are, I-" Lenora began to attempt her convincing, but she was soon cut off.

"I saw it, Lenora." Florence deadpanned, not even slightly surprised that Lenora was trying to convince her that she was wrong.

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