57. epilogue.. but not really.

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It'd been two months. Two months since the occurrence of Dumbledore's death. Two months since the whole Wizarding World went into full anarchy. Two months since Theodore Nott had left.

It had been more than difficult. Florence's life was turned upside down when he was brought into it; and now it had done another 360 turn, and she was alone.

She stayed at Hogwarts for the rest of sixth year, but it was only her and Blaise then. Lenora, of course, was not even a considered person to hang around with in those few weeks - nor would she ever be again. Florence and Blaise had gotten closer, given that it was just them two, and they were also without anyone to prank, but they made it work.

Meanwhile, neither of them had any real clue as to what Draco or Theo could be up to whilst they were still in school. They could've been murdered, for all they knew. And they had no way of contacting them either because they were overpowered by Voldemort; and there was no way he was going to allow them any communications with those on the outside world.

All Florence and Blaise could do was pray that their closest friends, or whatever Florence and Theo had left terms on, were safe and well.

But it'd been two months without communication, and it was becoming unbearable.

Due to the wicked circumstances of the arisen dangers of the Dark Lord, Florence's parents had made a firm decision that she was not to return to Hogwarts for her seventh year, neither Emmie for her fourth. They pinned it too dangerous and risky, and they didn't want to have that to worry about. They already had so much on their plates with being auras, and so their children's safety was one they needed guaranteed, no matter what.

Everyday was the same. Florence would wake up, lie in bed for an extra hour or so, read until she got a headache, force herself downstairs and eat as little food as she could with her family at the dinner table, pushing eight o'clock; then she'd go back upstairs to her bedroom, and sit on the window ledge, looking out onto the quiet, lamp-lit, cobblestone streets of London, before she looked up at the moon when it was in sight, and held onto the only hope she had of still being close to Theo, the thought that they could both be looking at the same moon, and she hoped he was thinking of her.

And so, Florence was at her house; in her bedroom. She was struggling even more so now that her light was gone - even more so than she was before he'd ever so tragically come into her life. Now that he was gone, she didn't know what to do with herself. The lack of communication hit even harder when it clocked September 1st, and she had no idea whether he'd gone back to school or not, because she wasn't allowed back herself.

She was on the edge of insanity. She didn't even feel like herself; she hadn't for the past two months ever since he'd left, even more so every day.

She stood in her bathroom, staring straight ahead at the mirror, taking her last breaths before she had the nerves to fuck the urge, scissors in hand. And, before she could finish counting down from five, she'd cut off a lock of wavy hair, and the target now fell to her collar bone, curling at the end.

"Shit." She muttered under her breath in disbelief.


yo yo yo

is it almost time for a sequel?

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