22. not my loss .

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ik i don't normally do this at the beginning of chapters but i was thinking of changing the pov to be third person for the rest of the fanfic. if you don't want me to just say but it's still gonna be first person in this chapter but this will probably be the last one.

also, warning: smut. smut. smut.


Today was the first quidditch match of the term.

It was gryffindor against slytherin.

Me and Lenora were making our way down to the pitch. We'd just finished studying for herbology and had only just left our dorms.

"So, who do you thinks gonna win?" Lenora asked me when we were walking down the grass, her dark brown hair blowing backwards in the wind as if she were doing a magazine photoshoot.

"I hope it'll be slytherin." I responded, stepping over a random rock that was lying on the grass.

"Rooting for the other team, huh?" Lenora teased.

"Lena, I said 'I hope it'll be slytherin'. That isn't exactly rooting for the other team." I responded, squinting my eyes at her before she laughed.

I heard a faint laugh from over near the castle and turned my head to see my little sister running down to the quidditch pitch. She was with a hufflepuff boy who had blond curly hair and a gryffindor boy with messy brown hair. They were the two boys I always saw her hanging out with, she was rarely ever with anyone else. I just expected her to keep on her track, running down to where the game would take place. But no, she ran down to me and Lenora.

"Hey!" I said as she approached us, her long, blonde hair covering her face as she came to a halt beside me, her cheeks rosy and her eyes full of joy. The two boys either side of her were staring at me, both trying to hide the smiles on their faces.

"You're going down." Her face rapidly changed from an excited and happy expression to a stern glare.

"She knows." Lenora spoke up from the other side of me before I could even think of what to reply with, earning a grin and a nod from Emmie before she ran off again with her two friends.

I let out an exasperated sigh as the three third years ran off.

All of the players on our team had already gone down to the pitch before us, but I wanted to catch Theo to wish him good luck before the game started.

When we arrived down at the pitch, I was eager to find Theo. As we were walking through to get up to the stands, I heard a familiar voice, well a few of them, not far away. Me and Lenora were then bombarded with the slytherin team, all of them walking out as we were walking past. "Lena?" I asked, trying to escape the crowd of boys.

"I'll meet you up at the stands!" She shouted from wherever she was. Fucking great.

As I tried to move to the side, I caught a glimpse of the boy I had been originally wanting to find. "Theo!" I shouted over to him. His head immediately turned at the sound of my voice and he rushed over to me, pulling me under the stands, away from the crowded scene. His gaze met mine as he stood in front of me. We stood there for a few second, just staring at each other.

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