2o. so, this is christmas .

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warning: sexual content


Christmas. It was my favourite holiday of the year. I loved all of the festivity and all the things that came with it. I adored winter the most though.

Autumn and winter were by far the best seasons of the year.

It meant sweater weather...
and sweater weather was the best type of weather.

I especially loved it when it snowed, and it always did at hogwarts. Every year I had been there it had snowed, and the snow. had already begun to fall before school drew to a close.

The best part of christmas though, in my opinion, was the vibes. The feeling of christmas was one of the best feelings. Everything just felt so warm and fuzzy. I always felt so sentimental and always dreading going back to school after the holidays.

Christmas this year just felt so nostalgic.

But there was one thing I was not looking forward to. Not seeing Theo.

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I'd packed my clothes back into my trunk. It was the last day of school.

The excitement from the younger students was growing by the second, all of them eager to go home, see their families, and get presents.

The boys were all in their dorm getting their clothes packed as well as everyone else. There were no lessons that day, there never is on the last day of school as of it being so busy with students going to the train, staff having to cary the luggage and students just eager to get home.

Lenora had left to go find Adrian, for whatever reason, and I was left in my dorm alone. It wasn't for long though.

I was sitting on my bed, leaning against the headboard. There wasn't much time left until we had to go down to the hogwarts express by then and I had just picked up a book that remained on my bedside table, the book which I still did not know the name of because it was that ancient. It must've been here for hundreds of years for it to end up like that.

Just as I was about to open the book at the page I had left off, there was a knock on my door. I pushed myself off my bed, throwing my book onto my bed as I did so, and quickly walked over to the door, wondering who it could possibly be.

I turned the knob and opened the door, and I was glad with who I saw standing there on the other side. Theodore Nott. My lips upturned at the sight of him and I could feel that my eyes were full of love.

No. Not Love. It couldn't have been.

"Can I come in?" He asked, his gorgeous smile creeping up onto his face as soon as I opened the door. He was wearing a black fucking shirt. Bloody hell.

"Yeah." I responded with a tone of obviousness. Of course he could come in.

I stepped aside in the doorway, making room for the boy I... liked to walk into my dorm.

As soon as he walked inside, I pushed the door closed before turning around. He was already towering over me, making me gasp a little bit at the sudden surprise. "I think I'm gonna miss you." His deep voice rang in my ears as the proximity was closing in.

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