21. long time no see

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The christmas holidays flew by.

I'd seen most of my family. I'd gone round to my grandmas house for a christmas dinner and I, unfortunately, had to go to my dads to sleep on christmas night, but at least it hadn't been christmas eve otherwise I definitely would not have gone.

I had a fairly large family, but most of my family consisted of my mum's cousins and my grandmother's many brothers and sisters. My dad's side of the family was quite small though, he only had a brother, auntie, uncle and parents, he never had any cousins. His auntie couldn't have children. She'd always wanted them, but she just couldn't. It really hurt her, not being able to have children, it hit her hard.

But I'm most certainly sure it would've hurt more having a child, from my point of view.

It was finally time to go home.

My mother hadn't said anything else about Theo or the Nott's for the whole of the holiday, she was still the same her. It was as if she had forgotten about it, but I hadn't. I still wanted to know what it was about the mention of the last name Nott that got her somewhat worried. Maybe she had had something to do with the family in the past? Or maybe someone she knew did.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

I was at the station. The same place I stood only a couple of weeks ago, saying goodbye to the boy I was most definitely falling for. I hadn't seen him since. I knew it had only been two or so weeks, but I missed him. Everything about him I missed.

My sister and I had already put our trunks onto the train and had just come out for a final goodbye with our mother and her fiancé. Emmie, my sister, was standing next to me as I hugged my mother goodbye. Just as I pulled away from the hug, I felt a tug on my jacket. I looked down at my sister who was stood next to me and she had her hand on the bottom of my black jacket, which once belonged to Theo. Her eyes weren't on me though, her eyes were looking behind our mother and step-father. I furrowed my eyebrows as she raised her finger, pointing in the direction she was looking at.

I turned my head in that direction, peering round my mother. Emmie was pointing at a group of students walking our way with their luggage. They were all laughing about something one of them had just said. A smile slowly formed on my face when I saw who it was.

Blaise, Draco, Adrian and Theo were walking towards us.

"Alright, have a fun year!" My mother placed one last kiss on both our foreheads and they both walked to the side a bit, away from the door we stood near. My gaze never left from the four boys who were nearing towards us. Well, it never left from one of the four boys who were nearing towards us.

"Bye, Florence!" Emmie said before hurrying off to her friends who were getting on the train a door or two away.

"Bye!" I shouted behind her as I watched her run off in excitement.

"Mortimer!" I heard Blaise call, drawing my attention back to them. Theo had been looking down before Blaise shouted that, watching where he walked, but his head immediately shot up when the word came out of Blaise's mouth.

When mine and Theo's eyes met, for the first time in two weeks, I felt like I was already home. There was no need going back home to Hogwarts when I had Theo. He was all I needed. His laugh stopped when his eyes met mine and a small smile formed on his lips.

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