51. this night has opened my eyes

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warning: beware.
that's all i have to say.
i mean, the title says enough.


It was that time of day when all of the students would come together in the Great Hall, dinner time. Everyone was in there, every single student but two.

Florence looked around for the third time, seeing if she'd missed those certain people arrive and they were, for whatever reason, sitting elsewhere. But they weren't friends, not even close, so it confused Florence as to why it was those two who had yet to arrive at the hall. They never sat anywhere else except their usual places so she wondered why they would be sat elsewhere if they were. But they weren't. She couldn't see them anywhere.

The feast had already begun, around ten minutes before, so it was becoming increasingly conceding by the minute because of the circumstances. Theo never missed dinner. He loved food.

The last time Florence had seen Theo was only half an hour beforehand, and it was in the common room. He'd just gotten back from quidditch practice, as well as the rest of the Slytherin quidditch team, and had told Florence he needed to go freshen up and get changed. He'd told her to just go on without him if he wasn't down in time to go to the Great Hall on time, which she obviously wasn't going to do. But Blaise had dragged her away before she could protest so she didn't exactly have a choice.

"Flo," Blaise got her attention, snapping her out of her thoughts, and she turned to look at him, instead of staring at the large doors she wished would swing open, "I'm sure he's fine."

"It's not really that I'm worried about, it's who else is not in the hall that worries me." Florence replied truthfully, glancing over to the Gryffindor table and Blaise took notice of this, yet she still didn't know who she was talking about other than Theo.

"Who?" Blaise asked, looking to the Gryffindor table in hopes of getting some insight but instead still not having a single clue as to who else wasn't there.

"Lenora." Florence informed him, speaking in a tone as such to say it was obvious, whilst she played with the french fries on her plate with her fork, even though she ate them with her fingers — it just gave her something to do instead of fidgeting.

Blaise furrowed his eyebrows and looked to his left, and then to his right, then either side of Florence, and then to the Gryffindor table — specifically where Dean sat, before looking back at Florence. "Huh, I didn't even notice she wasn't here." He said casually, before taking a bite out of his Yorkshire pudding.

Florence then suddenly decided she'd become a bit too concerned for her liking, and her overthinking was getting the best of her. So, she shook her head, as if to say she'd regret doing this, and stood up. She earned a few glances and whispers from those scattered around the hall, but she couldn't care less. Even a few of the teachers sat at the end of the hall, looked up.

"Where are you going?" Draco asked from beside Blaise, finally looking up from his plate to take notice of the commotion being caused by his friend.

"She's gonna go find her husband," Blaise answered, smiling at Draco before turning to Florence with a slightly worried expression as she walked off down the hall.

However, what came to her surprise as well as the two Slytherins not being present in the hall, she also realised — from looking at the Gryffindor table — that Ivy was not there either, which caused her head to become even more bamboozled and causing even more confusion in what could possibly be happening in that very moment that she did not know about.

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