12. keep it there

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My lips, they still burnt for him. As much as I wanted to kiss him again, as much as I wanted to talk to him, something in me just wouldn't allow it. It was like breaking the law. In the moment, it feels right. Afterwards, it still does, but you know you're going to get caught. You know it's the wrong thing to do. But you still do it.

He was irresistible. Every time I saw him, all I could ever think about is how badly I wanted him again; it was taking over me.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

On a rainy, saturday afternoon in November, me and Lenora were invited to go to The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade by her newly found friends.

This was our first trip to Hogsmeade of the year, but the truth was, I wasn't as excited to go as I had been previous years. It used to be my favourite place to be, a place where I could have fun with my friends and be a goddamn teenager. Yet recently, it wasn't anything close to that. I would have rather stayed in my room, if it wasn't for Lenora, and have a relaxing night in the comfort of my own, homely space. I guessed it was partly due to the undeniable fact that I had severe social anxiety and hated doing anything that involved me spending so much close time with people I wasn't close to myself.

"C'mon, we're going." Lenora shouted from the door. She was all pretty, like always, in her black mom jeans and a white halter neck. She topped the outfit with a thin silver necklace which hung a small, heart-shaped charm, the necklace which I had given her for her most recent birthday.

I wore a pair of blue, flared jeans which, unlike any of my other jeans, fitted me perfectly, surprisingly complimenting my thighs. They were the only pair I ever wore that made me feel good about my legs, I found that strange somehow, I mean, my legs were the same legs no matter what I was wearing, but they didn't look the same to me.

I also wore a long-sleeved, cropped, black t-shirt which I adored.

The boys were probably waiting impatiently downstairs in the common room, or lounging around not even half ready in their dorm room. It was the first one, to my annoyance, I wouldn't have minded having to wait an extra half an hour for them to get ready.

Theodore Nott was still on my mind, I wasn't sure how I was going to get through that night. I constantly told myself to romanticise my life, it was one of my favourite things to do. It made me feel like I was in some sort of movie or something, even though it was far from it and if my life were a movie, it wouldn't do very good.

"Coming." I gathered my few galleons and did a little jog towards my best friend before she gently closed the door behind us.

The boys, as I had expected, were waiting waiting by the fireplace. Theodore was slouching on the sofa, his legs spread out and his arms resting on the back of the sofa. He was just wearing a black sweatshirt and black jeans, his silver chain poking out from the top of his sweatshirt, around his neck. And of course he was looking fine, as always.

I wasn't sure how I expected us to act around each other since we hadn't been in this much closeness of one another socially since that night.

Draco immediately made his way over to Lenora, telling her she looked nice before slinging his arm over her shoulders and pulling her close as they walked towards the door, the other three of us following closely behind.

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