44. nothing in the world .

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HEY long time no see, here's my apology i hope you forgive me 👀

warning: smut.. 🤭🫶


Florence sat cross-legged on her bed wearing an oversized black t-shirt - not originally belonging to her, of course - and a pair of dark blue, checkered pyjama shorts. She seemed to be in fair peace and quiet, flicking through the pages of her book since she'd forgotten the page she was on and her bookmark had fallen out, coincidentally.

The sky was darkened and the flame torches were lit around the castle. School had finished hours ago, and dinner had already passed.

The calmness of her state was what caused her to be so surprised as her head shot up when the door flew open and Lenora rushed into their dorm. Lenora didn't even look her friends' way as she practically threw herself into the dorm, heading right over to her drawers. She took no time before yanking open the top drawer and rummaging through the clothes before finally pulling out a red bra and underwear set.

"Somewhere you need to be?" Florence spoke up, catching the girl off guard as she did not know that Florence accompanied her in their dorm since her mind was too focused on getting a clean bra and pants.

Lenora, startled, turned around, wide-eyed, to look at her friend who sat comfortably on her own bed. "Merlin, you scared me!" Lenora took a deep breath and calmed herself as she went over to the bathroom where the door was already ajar. "Yes, actually," She began, "I'm going over to Dean's for the night..." She couldn't force away the smile she was trying to hide that was creeping onto her face.

"So, you two are like... serious, now?" Florence asked, straightening her back from the terrible posture she had been holding hunched over the book in both hands.

Lenora grabbed her toothbrush and put the toothpaste on before running it under the water and hurrying to brush her teeth, eager to get to Dean's dorm, quite obviously.

Florence patiently waited for her best friend to answer as the girl with lighter brown hair harshly brushed her teeth whilst also quite frantically changing into her new set of cherry-red underwear.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," Lenora agreed, a smirk on her face before she followed up with a question for Florence, "What about you and Theodore?"

The question was asked so calmly, she'd just snuck it in there, that it very much almost caught Florence off guard but she managed to think before she came to answer, "What?"

By now, the two weren't so invisible to the eyes of their friends, but then again they seldom risked anything in front of them. However, neither one of them cared if their friends found out. By now they'd come too long, though, and the secret was bound to be revealed soon, in some way or in another.

"I gotta go, bye, Flo." Lenora smiled at her friend before heading out of the door, leaving Florence without an answer, not that she needed one anymore, anyways. She knew exactly what she was talking about.

Florence just shrugged and went back to searching for her page. And she managed to find it. Little did she know what was down in the common room and how she wouldn't be able to read as much as she had hoped, after all.

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