34. heaven .

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a/n: this is a long ass chapter, you're welcome

warning: viewer discretion is advised


After Florence's fatal unconsciousness during their late night quidditch match, Lenora apologised once that night to Florence, when they got back to their dorm. Theo took her back and Lenora got their a few minutes later to find Florence lying on her bed with her head rested on Theo's chest, his arm around her. Lenora immediately went to go and apologise, seen as Florence hadn't quite drifted off to sleep just yet, she had time.

The party that Lenora had arranged for Florence's birthday was to be held in the slytherin common room two nights after the incident. Florence was fine, of course, but part of her wishes Theo had just let her plummet to her death so she didn't have to attend her own 17th birthday party, even though her actual birthday wasn't for another 2 days.

A good few hours before the arrival of the party, Florence was in potions, along with her fellow classmates she shared that lesson with. She looked up to meet Theo's gaze, but was met with something practically being the opposite of what she wanted to see.

Pansy was leaning against the table, next to Theo, her arm in front of him as she smiled up at him, and he smiled down at her. Normally, Florence wouldn't really get jealous over these sorts of things, but she couldn't help it, she knew Pansy had at one point during their friendship a thing for Theodore Nott, which made it even worse to watch.

The fact that Theo was looking as if he was enjoying their giggly conversation annoyed her too, she wanted to know what the hell they were on about. Pansy emitted a loud laugh from over the other side of the classroom and a grin was seen from Theo.

Just in that moment, as Florence couldn't tear her eyes away from the two, Theo glanced up at her, his face immediately softening when he saw her. Florence didn't make eye contact for even a second before looking away, not wanting to make it obvious she had been looking at them, which she so had been.

Florence decided she would just forget about it. It wasn't like Theo wouldn't do anything to ruin... whatever they had going on, right?

She wanted to trust him, she tried to trust him.

But, sadly enough, her trust issues couldn't be hidden for long, she knew she'd never be able to really trust anyone. That made her overthink a hell of a lot than she should e done, but she forcefully tried to shove the idea of Pansy and Theo together out of her head, focusing on the potion brewing in hand.

She had nothing to worry about.

•─────⋅ ⋅─────

A ton of people knew about the party, they always did when there was a party coming around, that is except from the professors and staff of hogwarts. But barely anyone knew the party was originally being held for Florence.

"You look bloody gorgeous," Florence complimented her best friend who was studying her figure in the mirror. Lenora was wearing a short, spaghetti strap, red dress with a pair of black high heels. She looked stunning.

"Why, thank you," Lenora replied, sending Florence a quick wink in the mirror before doing a twirl and going over to their bathroom to touch up her makeup. "Are you gonna get ready soon? The party's gonna start in like five minutes," Lenora commented, rummaging through their drawers for her mascara which was nowhere to be seen.

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