19. get away

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very very short chapter


Theo's low laugh echoed through the silence in the empty hallway. The day was drawing to a close, but it wasn't past curfew yet. We hadn't even had dinner and we were still in our uniform, no robes though.

His smile formed into a smirk as I backed into a wall and his deep, blue eyes were glued to my lips. His hands made their way up to my face, grazing against my beck before gently cupping my face.

He leant down and our lips met. His touch was all I needed.

He deepened the kiss and his hold on my face became firmer as the kiss became more hasty, more impassioned. I bit his bottom lip and a moan escaped his mouth in return. His mouth worked twice as hard after that as he pinned me against the ancient wall. His right hand moved further back, his fingers sliding in between my locks before he gently tugged at them, earning a low josh from me. I could feel a after that a smirk was present on his lips, a mix of a smirk and a smile. Our tongues worked together as the need and longing for each other became even deeper.

"No, it's her way. Besides, there's plenty other girls our there." Draco's voice echoed through the hallway, causing me and Theodore to pull away in surprise and shock, both our heads turning to look in the direction we heard our friend's snarky voice bounce off the walls of the school.

"Oh, yeah?" Blaise's voice was quieter than Draco's, but he still spoken loud enough for us to be able to hear him through the absent hallways of hogwarts.

"Shit." Theo's eyes widened as he met my shit-scared gaze again before removing his hands from my face and grabbing hold of my hand.

We ran through the hallways of hogwarts. Past the great staircase which held a few students going back to their dorms, the staircase moving as we passed through, running wild. I was almost tripping over my own feet at the pace we were going at. I didn't think I had ever ran that fast in my whole life. I was surprised my legs didn't give in and I didn't face-plant the cold, stone ground. I was glad though, I'm not saying I wished that would've happened.

Theo's laugh and my own were the only noises to be heard as we ran into the courtyard, just to come straight back out the other entrance because we didn't know where the fuck we were going, the thrill of them not finding us keeping us on our feet before we came to a screechy halt outside of the care of magical creatures classroom. The speed we were going at the whole way caused both of us to be practically gagging for air, but we thankfully survived. His beaming smile lightened my eyes as both his hands interlocked with mine at our sides, just the same as they had done in the library two days prior to that.

"This is kinda fun, sneaking around. Don't ya think?" He smirked down at me, frequently turned his head to check if any more gatecrashers were coming our way. It had been three days now since the break up, this was only the first time we had had alone since then. Lenora was reading her book in our dorm, and she seemed quite content, so I told her I was going to go for a stroll and she was completely fine with it, ushering for me to go on. We both knew where Malfoy was though. I mean, he had just been on the verge of catching us. I think it was safe to say that Malfoy definitely was not in his dorm. Neither was Blaise.

"You call that sneaky?" I joked, but I didn't really. It was the truth. How the fuck is running around hogwarts to get away from your friends who don't know you're... whatever you are, classed as sneaking around? There's nothing sneaky about that. They could probably hear our distant laughs from close by as they strolled through the halls.

"It's sneaky if we don't get caught." Theo's smile softened and his teeth disappeared, but I could see it in his eyes that he was still beaming.

I still didn't know what we were. We weren't dating. We weren't friends with benefits, I didn't think. He was mine and I was his. There was no questioning that.


this is undeniably the worst chapter i have ever written, i know, but i swear they're gonna get better, i hope.

sometimes i just feel the need to write and i'm amazing at it, other times i have no idea what to write and i suck. it's mostly the second one LMAO

anyways, sorry this is so crap

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