Chapter 7: A Moment of Normality

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The man sits patiently next to me as I processed the information. It consisted mostly of more tears. Knowing that I have another parent that cares for me is deeply touching. That I wasn't unwanted or a mistake. It is a small wonder I have any tears left after today.

"Thank you, I appreciate that you came," I tell him sincerely with a small smile, "Oh, what's your name? I haven't even asked!"

"Don't recognize this handsome brother of yours?! I'm offended!" the man says as he chuckles. It suddenly becomes darker and darker in the room. The night lamp barely is visible, and no longer lights up the space, the blue walls are being covered in darkness, the whole room becomes so dark. It's as if it is becoming night.

"I forbade you to go, boy! You threaten her safety by being there. Come home. Now!" A deep voice says. It has no origin, and I can hardly make out whether it is male or female. The only thing I can get from it is that it is angry at the black haired man. But I can tell it comes from a tremendously powerful being. Gods, you wouldn't want to disobey this God or Goddess.

The man sighs, running a hand through his hair. "Well, that's my cue to go. Gotta keep the parent happy, eh?" He says as he stands back up. He looks at me again as he stands. "Aileen, this world has few things that could make you happy. But someone that has faith can find their happiness. Don't ever lose faith, sister."

I smile at the man and nod. He gives me a thumbs up and disappears from the room through a crimson light. When he is gone, the room turns to normal. A sigh leaves me. I needed that. It may not have answered all my questions, but enough were answered to pick myself up again. And hearing about mother was such a relief. I turn to the door as it opens.

"Aileen and mister God, I have some tea and..." Marie starts to say as she enters the room with a tray. Two cups with steaming tea and two cakes. Marie didn't finish her sentence, as she only sees me. "Oh, he's not here anymore?" I smile at Marie, she really has picked up a lot of quirks from mother.

"He just left. I think he would've appreciated the gesture," I say to her. Marie seems a bit disappointed that he is not here anymore. "Gosh, I would have loved to see what a God looked like. But I am glad he came to talk with you, Aileen. You look much better."

"I feel much better, Marie. It really helped me," I say as I smile at her. "That's good to hear. Ehm, I have tea and cakes if you like?" That made me laugh. How much can you be like your parent? "Thanks, Marie. Mother is in a good place. He said she is in Elysium. The best place for souls, apparently."

Marie smiles as she hears it. "I'm glad. Mother deserves a peaceful rest. A special mother should get a special rest. Ehm, I'll leave it on the table for you. Will you come downstairs? I think your friends would like to see you," she says as she places the tray down. "I think I'd like to get some sleep. It has been a long day. I'm exhausted..."

"Of course, sweet dreams' sister. I'll make sure to get you for dinner." I nod and move to the bed to get some sleep.

The darkness is broken again by the orange orbs. It seems to be looking at me as if they see something special. I try reaching for them as I smile. To my surprise, I managed to touch something below the orbs. It's soft as I feel something smiling. They start to burn a bit brighter as they look around. I feel the smile slowly fading away. The orbs are getting smaller, my hands are not able to reach the softness again. It saddens me that they again are getting away from me.

Eventually, I blink my eyes open again. Someone is waking me up, making me groan from annoyance. I wish for a few more minutes of sleep... "Oh, dear sister! Dinner is almost ready," Marie says gently and warmly.

"Urgh, let me sleep for a few more minutes." Marie chuckles. "You sound like me when I was your age. Come, your friends are waiting for you."

With another groan, I get out of bed to join dinner. As we enter the dining room, Marie goes to the kitchen to finish dinner. I spot Luke, Annabeth, and Thalia at the table. It is good to see them again. I value them, especially after these two days. Somehow, it feels great to be able to rely on them. However, I frown slightly as I see them huddled together while looking at something. Why are they trying to suppress their laughs?

"What's so funny?" I ask them. They look at me with a smile. "Aileen! I am so glad to see you again," Annabeth says as she quickly wraps me in a hug. I smile, returning the gesture. "Thanks, Annabeth. I needed some time for myself. So, what's that you're looking at?" I ask, turning my gaze to the table.

I pale slightly as I see what it is. In between Luke and Thalia lays a green covered photo album. The few photos I am able to see are black and white with me as a baby. Thalia smirks a little. "You were pretty cute, Aileen!" she says as she chuckles.

"H-how did you get that?!" I ask, moving quickly to grab it away from them. Thalia is faster as she grabbed it and holds it high in the sky as she flicks through the pages. I try to reach for it, but she's too tall. Damn, my short height!

"Look! You're enjoying a bath with your mother, how cute is that." The photo is of me in a bath as a baby, clearly laughing as my mother splashes me with water. Gods, how embarrassing!

"Please, no more!" I plead to her. Thalia laughs as she hands it back, a very satisfied expression on her face. "Where did this come from...? Marie?!" I ask with embarrassment.

From the kitchen, an innocent whistle can be heard. "Don't know what you're talking about!" Marie says in a singsong voice. "Of all the things that survived..." I mutter as a brightly smiling Marie comes back with dinner...

As we all are eating dinner, Marie looks over the group. "So, uhm, I don't know much about your part of the world, but will you be staying?" she asks us, "You're more than welcome to stay! It has been a long time since the house was full again."

Luke sighs a bit as does Thalia. "I don't think we can, Marie. It is hard for us to stay in one place too long. The longer we stay, the more dangerous it is for us," he says.

"I see... Aileen, I hardly know anything about these things that you're part off. I understand if you have to go, but send me letters or call me from time to time, alright? Mother and I waited a very long time for you. I'd like to keep in contact," she says softly. I smile at her brightly. "Of course, Marie! I'll send as many as I can. And I will visit too!"

"Thank you, Aileen. I am glad you're home."

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