Chris was safely put in the Apollo cabin in order to heal. His mind has shattered and his body is still weak. Clarisse was very caring towards him which is something we do not often see. Hard and unflinching. That is usually what Clarisse exudes, but not this time. She cares for the Hermes child and I find it a touching sight. I can only hope Chris will come back to his senses to see it.
I exit the Apollo cabin and watch the few campers walk around. Some talk with each other while others are enjoying their day without any duties. A deep sigh leaves me as I trudge back to my cabin. My pace is fast and sometimes I almost trip. A few campers look at me strangely, some are even looking at me with concern.
My body feels strange. Energy is coursing through my veins with such intensity. I felt it after I came out of the Labyrinth with Clarisse. The feeling was as if a timer went off. A burning sensation touched my skin, muscles, and anything that comes in touch with it. All is set on fire while it travels through my veins. A cleansing fire. That is what it feels like. A fire that is burning away everything that does not belong in me. It hurts but at the same time it doesn't. It makes no sense to me.
The Hades cabin door comes into view with the two golden braziers lit with green flames just next to the entrance. My hands touched the handle, but it opens before I could turn it. As it opens, it reveals Bianca that was chatting with Vincent. It is at that moment that I fall forward. My body gives out as I fall into the hallway of my cabin. The world spinning, expanding, shrinking. I can't make out what is happening anymore.
"Aileen what's wrong?!" Bianca asks in concern. Vincent crouches next to me with furrowed brows as he looks closer at my face. His face looks blurry, but at the same time, I have never felt his presence so acutely and well. I can feel almost everything inside him and in Bianca.
"I don't know..." I say with a distant voice.
"I am going to try something Aileen. It's to find out what's happening, okay?" Vincent says, his voice becoming softer, more distant.
"I... Gods, my body feels on fire," I mumble out.
"On fire?" Vincent mumbles as his finger touches my forehead. His eyes widen in shock. "By the Gods! Get her inside now!"
Bianca does as Vincent says I feel her hands taking hold of my shoulders while Vincent lifts my legs. The fiery feeling only increases as the seconds tick by. By all the Gods, it's like my skin is tearing itself open.
"Quickly, Bianca! We can't be close to her!"
"What's happening, Vincent? Why does it hurt to touch, Aileen? Are those flames?!"
"Not now, get Aileen in her room!"
Doors are pushed open. Bianca's and Vincent's worried faces fill my vision. The obsidian walls rush by. Another door is opened and I see my personal items. Annabeth's picture is next to my bed, with some books and photo albums on the shelves. The wooden entrance leads to my walk-in closet. Bianca and Vincent lay me down on my bed as I begin to writhe and groan. The cleansing fire becomes hotter, intenser. Gods, my body is burning.
"Be strong, Aileen. I will inform your mother and Annabeth. They must be informed about what's happening. We will wait for you. Bianca, we must go now or we will die," Vincent says. Their presence fades from my surroundings. Only the fire coursing through my body is what I can feel. Pain became the most prevalent and profound sensation as I held on for Gods how long.
Annabeth ChaseI close my laptop while a deep sigh leaves me. It's hard to focus when you know a stupid girl is doing Gods knows what. At least summer is starting soon and the last lecture was today. I roll my chair from the desk towards the window. The morning is almost gone. I wonder what Aileen is up to. She has not said anything over the last few days. This labyrinth must twist time somehow. Similar to the hotel where the di Angelo siblings stayed.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...