Chapter 54: Settling in

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Camp Half-Blood was ecstatic about the return of Selina, Xandra, and me. The festivities really broke out as we explained what has happened. A large parade was held with us three in the center. Even the Hecate's children were praised for their effort and the sacrifice of Alissa. It brought Vincent to tears as he hid behind his siblings. My belief is that he never expected to be a hero or be praised as a hero.

Our parade came to an end in the Arena for the traditional shroud burning. We returned alive, so our shrouds are burned to signify our return. One bright pink one with a large bronze hammer in the middle for Selina. A nod to her relationship with Xandra, daughter of Hephaestus. For Xandra, a similar theme was chosen. Her shroud is made of a deep bronze color with a white dove in the middle. A sacred animal of Aphrodite.

My shroud was made by Annabeth before she left. It was a deep black color, the edges had a golden wavy pattern, and in the middle were two golden rings that were linked with each other. It made my heart soar with happiness. I really wanted to keep it and hang it in my room, but tradition has to be followed.

As the shrouds were burned, we moved to the dining pavilion for a celebratory meal. Zagreus and Dionysus were talking happily with each other, while the campers were excitedly talking about our adventure. One thing I noticed rather quickly was the intense talk Selina had with her siblings. It seems she will push them to train for battle. A wise choice, I rather not have them die.

We all took our places at the tables as nymphs and satyrs brought in a feast we wouldn't soon forget. One group stood awkwardly in front of all the tables, not knowing what to do. Hecate's children. They have not yet been claimed, and no god has stepped forward to be their patron. I stand up to announce that they could sit with me when above all their head two burning torches appeared.

Campers murmur among themselves to the claim. A few groans came from those from the Hermes cabin. Probably complaining about how crowded their cabin is going to be. There were also those that were intrigued, as no children of Hecate have come into camp for some time. Dionysus pricked Zagreus in the side. "Do your duty, 'Activities Director," he says with a grin. Zagreus rolls his eyes as he stands up from his seat.

"Hecate. Queen of The Witches, Lady of The Mist, and Crossroads. Hail daughters and sons of the Goddess of Magic," he announces loudly to everyone.

Zagreus was about to sit back down, but looked surprised at the emergence of a second symbol. A bident floats proudly next to the burning torches. I smile as I see it happen. Hades supports them.

"Hades. The Silent One. The Goddess of the Dead and Riches. You are now under the care of the Goddess Hades. Honor her, for The Goddess of The Dead is your patron," Zagreus says, a bit of surprise in his voice. Even Dionysus raised an eyebrow.

"Aren't you siblings lucky. No cramped cabin for you. A life of luxury awaits you in the Hades cabin, or so I am told," Dionysus says, motioning them to sit at my table. I smile brightly at them. Having them under my care is not a shore. I will enjoy it... I hope.

The group of seven made their way to me with soft smiles on their lips. They look somewhat relieved by the fact that they'll be under the care of someone they know. One group was especially relieved, which was the Hermes cabin. Gaining seven in one go would really fill up the cabin.

"I guess I will sleep in your cabin, after all, Aileen," Vincent says with a soft chuckle. "We will not make a mess of our experiments," Allistar says, smiling at me.

"Experiments?! I don't want my home blown to pieces, guys! Keep it contained," I warn them. The identical twin Leana and Aleana chuckle in unison as they take a seat at either side of me. Each looks the same with long platinum blond hair with blue eyes. Mischief shines like bright fires in their eyes. I worry that they will be the ones that will make my life more difficult.

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