Chapter 115: Preparing To March

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Annabeth Chase

I sit with Hades and Zagreus around a map of the U.S. with symbols indicating the most recent information. The scouts sent by Hades came back and the news isn't good. The Titan Lord barely felt anything with the defeat at Camp Half-Blood. My assumption is either that it was a distraction. Or an attempt to take out the Demigods but that it was not instrumental in his plan.

"It is just as we expected, the Romans march on the Titan's palace. From what I gathered, they will win as well. It was only defended by one Titan and a meager force. Meanwhile, my father marches on Olympus," Hades informs us both.

"Typhon is still coming too. What will we do?" Zagreus asks as looks over the map, "Typhon is now in the middle of the ocean, but at the rate he is going, he will reach Olympus within a few days."

"Correct, what was Aileen's idea with Percy? Send him to Poseidon to see if he can convince him?" Hades asks me.

"I can see the advantage of sending Percy there. It is his father, and they seem to have a good bond. Besides, Percy could take Poseidon's place temporarily. He is not strong enough to withstand Oceanus for long, but can probably hold out until Typhon is defeated. It will limit the destruction in Poseidon's domain at the very least."

Hades nods as she contemplates it. Zagreus doesn't care much, but I think even he can see it could work. I wish Aileen was here. She would have more insight or things to say. I can do a lot, but not everything. Hades was about to say something, but her gaze went from the map to the door. A smile on her face as she does it.

"Aileen is coming," Hades states and just as she said it, the door opens. My red-haired dream woman walks in and looks at the three of us with relief. She looks confused and unsure about what happened, but as she locks her gaze with me a bright smile comes alive.

"I just had the craziest thing happen! My memory of the last day and a half is gone. When I came to myself again I was on the West Coast!" She announces as she swiftly took a seat next to me, and winds an arm around my waist. I sigh contently as I feel her warm and comforting energy once again.

"We know. You were your Roman counterpart. What is the last thing you remember? The first time is always the toughest and most impactful," Hades asks as she looks Aileen over.

"I remember that you were telling us about Typhon. After that, it is blank, but is this common? I am going to switch between the two forms at random?"

"No, you won't anymore. Gods are able to split their presence to many places, now your soul has 'connected' to your Roman part. It will operate independently from you without affecting you. Only when too many prayers come from the Greeks and Romans at the same time will you experience discomfort. I assure you, it will not be so impactful next time. For now, I think at least. Anyway, back to the problem."

"Right! So, Poseidon's realm is in danger. But Poseidon is needed to imprison Typhon. Send Percy and Zoe. They should be able to keep the forces occupied for long enough so we can defeat Kronos and imprison Typhon," Aileen says.

"Zoe too? Ah, Calypso. Very good suggestion," Hades says as she strokes her chin in thought, "What is the state of the Demigods? If we're fast enough we can intercept my father in the Great Planes. Fewer obstacles and mortals that die during the battle," Hades says while pointing to the map. Aileen looks at me as do Zagreus and Hades.

"I don't know. Zoe should know though, we tasked her with taking care of the wounded," I say. Hades sighs but nods. She made a golden Drachma appear, mist starts to appear next to her as well as she threw the coin into it.

"Best not to frighten her..." Hades mumbles as we waited for Zoe to accept the message. It does not take long before the mist starts to expand and show Zoe that is apparently in the Big House with Chiron, Percy, and the other head counselors. Even Calypso is there, her arms securely attached to Bianca. A war meeting probably. Zoe frowned and blinked her eyes. For good measure, she rubs her eyes to make sure she was seeing straight.

"Lady H-Hades?!" Zoe says shocked before falling to a knee and her head lowered in reference.

"Good. It seems you are all together. Typhon broke free as you well know. Poseidon or I with the help of Zeus are able to imprison him again, but there is a slight problem," Hades starts to say as she looks with a hard and cold gaze at those in the message. Her gentle and warm persona is gone. Hades truly does hide herself from those that are not her close family.

"Problem?" Chiron asks with a frown.

"Yes, I am needed to command my legions to face our father, Chiron. Therefore Poseidon has to help my thickheaded brother. Percy and Zoe will go to Poseidon and convince him to face Typhon. The rest of you lot will join me in facing Kronos," Hades announces to the group.

Zoe uncomfortably shifts as she glances at Clarisse and the head counselor of the Apollo cabin, Will I believe he was called. Something happened between them again it seems. Hades narrows her eyes as she looks behind Zoe. The tension was not hidden from Hades. The Goddess rises from her chair as she wipes the message away.

"Ungrateful children with their petty squabbles," Hades mutters. A sigh leaves Zagreus as he stood up, Aileen and I follow too. Not sure what Hades wants to do, but I am betting it involves sweating the problem out of their system. Quite literally. Hades clap's once and all four of us stood in the Big House. To say that the Demigods were getting fearful would be an understatement. They are terrified.

"You and you," Hades says with a cold and stern voice as she points to Clarisse and Will. Both swallows thickly as visible sweat poured from their foreheads. "Are you squabbling like a bunch of children?"

"I remember from my time here that the Apollo and Ares cabins were arguing from time to time," Zagreus inform Hades. The Goddess of the Dead glanced at Zagreus before looking at the two again.

"Zoe, what happened?" Hades asks.

"Apollo cabin stole the chariot of Ares. It was given back, but Clarisse had enough of the insults directed at her siblings and decided to remain at camp. To avoid-" Zoe stopped talking as Hades' face grew dangerously dark and menacing.

"What are you? A helpless girl that needs a pat on the back at every turn? Whining about how unfair everything is? Does daddy show no love? Who cares, no one does. Even Ares does not whine about how everyone hates him.

And you, I don't care what you are called, but you are an idiot. No, you are an imbecile that can't even spell out its name. We are at war, boy! And you got the great idea to sow discord? With the ones that are vital in a fight?" Hades asks as she points to a very small-looking and shaken Clarisse. "If I don't see you making up, I will send you to Tartarus after you die. But first I will let the Fury Sisters have at you both for a thousand years."

I stood there gobsmacked while I witnessed Hades insulting and tearing into the two very respectable counselors of Camp. Clarisse is the best and most fearless fighter in camp and Will is probably one of the best archers before Zoe came to camp. All in all, Hades made them sniffle and beg for mercy in a second.

"I wouldn't make her wait," Zagreus states as he touched his wrist repeatably as if there was a watch. Both of them practically ran to each other, shake each other's hands, and apologized vigorously. I wish I had that kind of effect when I had to solve a fight between my siblings. No matter what Aileen says, I do not hold such an effect, unfortunately.

"Good. We march out in three hours. Percy, Zoe you go to Poseidon and get him to fight Typhon. Hold out against Oceanus the best you can. Calypso, make sure that Zoe is able to survive in the water. Chiron makes sure all goes as fast as possible. We meet outside of New York," Hades states before she looked at the fear-paralyzed children that sat around the pingpong table. Only Bianca looked relaxed as she snuggled into Calypso and Nico that was smiling wishfully while looking at the sky through a window.

"Move it!" Hades commands and everyone rushes out to get ready.

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