Chapter 44: A Thread To Follow

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As I emerged in Camp Half-Blood, I am slightly puzzled by the commotion. I stayed for only a short week at Marie's, but something happened. My eyes scan the surrounding campgrounds. Campers are slowly trickling back. Some are worried as they talk to each other while glancing towards the Big House.

It makes me wonder. Annabeth said that my surroundings will respond to me. The amount of emotions, and also tension, could be calling out to me. This seems like a prime opportunity to stretch out my senses to see if I can pick anything up that is strange or out of place.

I let the air fill my lungs and calm my mind, tuning myself to the surrounding air, ground, people. Let everything sink in to me. The first things I hear and feel are human things. The chatter of campers about their safety, Chiron, and sometimes about Clarisse and Annabeth. Mentally, I push that aside for now and focus on the other sensations that start to reach me.

A few people seem to be speaking dishonestly, and from experience, it is the Stoll twins. They were the main source I could pick up. It seems they have been practicing their lying. Then a new sensation reaches me.

It is soft and personal that belongs to someone in the crowd. The sensation is fluctuating as if the person is unsure or distraught. My mind tries to reach for it, following the thread that leads to the source. Trying to understand it's meaning. I feel it going from left to right, sometimes up and down. Like a cord that is spread out over the whole space.

For a few seconds, I follow it patiently to find out who or what it is. The closer I get, the more I can see of the source. It is blurry, and many details elude me, but it's gets sharper and sharper. Just before I could fully see the person, my concentration is broken up by someone putting a hand on my shoulder. The only thing I could glimpse from the blurry image is that it was a girl.

I blink for a few seconds before turning to see who it is. A worried looking Annabeth looks at me. Her eyes scanning my face to see if anything is amiss. A soft smile then forms on her face when she sees nothing is happening.

"Are you okay? You were far away, by the looks of it," she says. "Yeah, I sensed something new. I almost found the source, but I then felt your hand before I could see what or who it was."

"Oh, Hades! I am so sorry, Aileen!" She says. I sigh softly. "I know it is often used to curse with, but don't curse with my mother's name."

Annabeth winces slightly as she looks at me with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, dear. Slip of the tongue. But what did you feel?"

"Someone, a girl. She felt distraught. As if she did not know what to believe in. You know, losing faith in something she believed in," I try to explain. Annabeth smiles as she nods.

"Sounds very much like you. It seems your honesty and faith will be your domain. You sense and feel it around you. Probably more strongly as time goes by. Very interesting. Well done in finding out," Annabeth says and thinks it through.

"Thanks, but what's going on? Why is everyone concerned and tense?" I ask her, walking towards the Cabins.

"I came to get you. Thalia's tree is poisoned, and it is slowly dying. Chiron surmises that the poison came from Tartarus. They think he did it. He... is a son of the Titan King. Chiron is being accused of siding with him," Annabeth explains as we walk.

"Chiron is what?! And Thalia's tree...?! You can't be serious?! And how could anyone suspect Chiron of aiding the Titan King?" I ask completely flabbergasted, but most of all, saddened.

I respect Chiron a lot. It is one of the few persons that is able to help us Half-Bloods cope with the stresses. To prepare us for a difficult life. Well, not in my special case, but still. I learned how to fight even better under his guidance, how to fire a bow, and how to survive and what to look out for. There's not an ounce of evil in that man.

"I don't agree with the decision, Aileen. He has been fired as activity director and exiled from the camp. Chiron convinced Mister D. to let him speak with you before he would be removed. He is waiting near your cabin," Annabeth explains calmly, one of her hands soothingly stroking my back.

We soon reached my Cabin. Chiron was waiting near the entrance, along with a backpack strapped to his back. Probably filled with some personal belongings.

"Aileen, I am glad to see you before my... departure. Annabeth, may I speak with her alone? It's nothing you haven't already heard from me," he says, sending her a soft smile. Annabeth sighs but nods. "I'll see you later, dear."

Chiron motions for me to follow him as we walked towards a more secluded area of the campgrounds. He sighs deeply before turning to me with a saddened but comforted expression.

"How have you been, Aileen?" He asks. "Well, at the moment I could be better, Chiron. We both know who is probably behind it, even if I do not want to admit it. They shouldn't put the blame on you just because of your linage," I say, my voice strained and thick with emotion. The surroundings slowly fill with trees and low vegetation as we walk through the forest.

"Perhaps, it is a fair concern, though. Aileen, there's something I need to say. I already told Percy and Annabeth about what could possibly heal Thalia's tree. The Golden Fleece. I warned them not to go, but I have known heroes for a long time. They barely listen when it comes to these matters. However, I want you to stay. No matter what, Aileen. I need to you to keep the camp safe," he explains to me. A certain level of urgency, but also a pled.

"I know the border will be weaker as the tree weakens, but the camp should still be relatively safe. Whether I am here or not," I say as I glance at Chiron.

"You're probably right. Many demigods will be here and lord Dionysus. Only, the campers need a leader, someone that everyone can trust or believe in. Did you not notice? Everyone respects you, Aileen. Always inviting people in your cabin. Having the borrowing system for the Athena Cabin. You even play the violin with the Apollo children," he explains.

We stop walking as he turns to me. A smile and gentle expression on his face. He exhales a breath, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"It's not that I do not want you to go, but I trust that could keep the camp safe with lord Dionysus. He may not admit it, but even lord Dionysus respects you. It probably has something to do with you becoming a Goddess. His grudge against Demigods is not so strong for you, I suspect. He will tolerate your suggestions more than from anyone else at camp, he may not outright say it of course. Will you do this for me, Aileen?" he asks, smiling softly at me.

"You really know how to real me in, Chiron," I say with a chuckle, "I will Chiron. You won't have to worry. I can't promise it will go smoothly, but you will return to an intact camp."

Chiron smiles a bit wider, squeezing my shoulder as his expression turn to gratefulness. "Thank you, young one. I know you will keep your word. Annabeth told me about one aspect of your coming divinity. Did you find anything else out?" He asks.

"Just before Annabeth came to get me, I felt someone wavering in her beliefs. Perhaps some others as well, but hers was strongest. It stood out to me when I tried sensing my environment," I explain. Chiron nods knowingly.

"Faith. I see which role you'll fill now. Have you heard of Pandora?" He asks.

"Uhm, I heard of Pandora's Box. Aside from that, not really. What does it have to do with me?" I ask curiously.

"It was not a box. She opened a Pithos. Anyway, when she opened it, several spirits flew out. One of them was Pistis. The spirits were too drunk on their freedom that they abandoned their roles, which caused them to be forgotten. It caused them to fade. The equivalent of dying, but then for Gods and Goddesses. You have been chosen to fill the role of Pistis. The Goddess of Trust, Good Faith, and Honesty," he explains.

I smile as I hear it. Those are aspects I can certainly believe in, and willing to embody. I do not care for the power that Zeus holds with his sparks, or Poseidon with his water and earthquakes. My passion always lies with people, especially the goodness that lies within. I could not be happier about my future.

Chiron sighs deeply as he looks to the sky, and once more to the camp that lies a bit in the distance. "It's time I went on my way. Remember, your role is in camp. I truly believe that," he says.

"I will do my best, Chiron. Trust us to clear your name. You do not stand alone," I say, giving him a hug as farewell. Chiron chuckles softly, patting me on the back. "You're quite the hugger, aren't you? Good luck Aileen. Until we meet again. And trust your instincts, they will serve you well."

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