Chapter 62: Mother And Son

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I left the two siblings to make themselves comfortable and to let them explore their new home. I am sure they will like it here. What is there not to love? The first person to talk to is Vincent. I wonder what he wanted to talk about.

Vincent was still sitting in front of the cabin when I exit. He seems to be looking at a locket with a picture. Before I could get a good look, he closes it and turns to look at me. "How was it?" He asks.

"All went well. Hades was indeed waiting for us. We talked, and I left the siblings to settle in. So, what did you want to talk about?" I ask. "Nothing to talk about, but I do have a favor to ask of you. It's time I face Marie again. I meant what I said, I will beg for her forgiveness. But I like you to be there as well."

I smile at the young man. Marie will have raised every child of hers with as much love and care she could provide them. "Of course, we have a few hours till dinner starts. I can take us there now, if you like."

Vincent nods a bit stiffly and adjust his coat. Nerves are on high alert by the looks of it. He is scared to face her. I told him not to worry, but then again. I have no idea what happened between them.

I take his hand and transport us to Richmond. The first sight we are met by is the familiar house of Marie. From the looks of it she is home as the lights are on. Vincent swallows thickly as he hesitantly walks towards the door. I stand supportive next to him as he knocks on the door.

"One moment!" Marie calls out. Vincent shifts nervously where he stands as he waits. I squeeze his shoulder in support. "Nothing to worry about. Marie is not angry." Vincent only nods in response as his gaze is fixed on the door.

The door opens and Marie looks with a smile to see who it is. Her face morphed into a shocked expression as she sees Vincent. Marie is very much surprised to see him standing there.

"Mother. I- I am so-" Vincent starts to say, but he is soon pulled into the embrace of Marie. Her eyes watery as she tightens her grip on him. Vincent slowly and hesitantly puts his arms around her as if he scared to hurt her. I do see he is barely able to hold back his own tears.

"You are always welcome here, Vincent. This is your home," Marie says to assure him, slowly breaking away from the embrace. He takes a deep breath as he lowers his head slightly. "Mother, I- I hope you can f-forgive me. The things I did..."

"I am not angry at you, Vincent. I always knew you were special and required more effort and patience. Come inside. We can sit down with some drinks," she says, and then seems to notice me. "Oh, sis! Always good to have you over. Come, come," she says happily and walks back inside. "Told you she is not angry."

"You know my mother better than I, somehow. But I'm very happy to see her again..." Vincent says softly. "She is my sister, after all. And she also acts so similar to my own mother."

"Don't be afraid to step inside! Oh, and your niece is also here, Aileen! You'll love her!" Marie says. Vincent pales a bit. "Oh no, my sister, Alex, does not like me," Vincent mumbles as he walks inside with a heavy heart. "Oh, I am sure it is not that bad..."

How wrong I was. We barely sat down, or his sister was sending him a murderous expression. I do not even have to guess if she was angry, so intense was her glare. Thalia could even learn a thing or two from her about giving glares. Marie was in the kitchen preparing some drink while we had the delightful company of Alex.

"Sister..." Vincent greets her softly and in hesitation. "You have some balls coming back here, Vincent. Did you not do enough? Going to hurt our mother again?" She asks with venom dripping from every word.

"I am not, Alex. Please, give me-" he asks, but is cut off by Alex, who practically slams her fist on the table. Towering over him. "What?! Another chance? You had years for that, Vincent!"

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