Marie looks at us with a smile as my friends and I stand ready to leave. We stayed the night at her house, but it's time to go. Luke and Thalia said we had to leave soon or a lot of monsters would be coming for us. It seems Thalia's presence alone would garner a lot of attention of the monsters, but four Demigods together would mean even be more trouble. I am sure she is right about this, and I rather not endanger Marie.
"I wish you four the best of luck. Take care of yourselves, alright. And please look after my sister," she says. Annabeth looks with a confident and determined look at her. "She is in good hands, Marie." Thalia nods in full agreement to what Annabeth said. That's very touching.
"That's reassuring, Annabeth, thank you. I almost forgot! Please wait for a moment," Marie says as she quickly goes into the house again. What could this be? I hope not more photo albums.
"You're blessed with such a sister, Aileen. I kind of envy you," Luke says while placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. I can only smile. "I really am."
Thalia nods with a slight pained expression that quickly disappears behind a hardened look. "You really are..." she says softly. I wonder where this pain is coming from.
A few minutes fly by as we waited for Marie. When she came back, she has a violin case in her hand, my eyes widen is surprise. "It's mother's violin. I know she practically forced you to learn it, just like me," she says with a chuckle, "Here, keep it with you. I am not using it, and this way you will always have a piece of mother with you."
I take it from her with a smile plastered on my face. She may have encouraged, more like forced me, to learn it. But I enjoy playing it very much. Especially when I played my music on her violin. "She did... but I enjoy playing the violin. Thank you, Marie."
Marie nods as she smiles a bit. "Good luck, sis. Keep me in the loop of your life, alright? And let me know when you snatch a fine lady for yourself! When you do, I'd love to meet her," she says warmly as she places a kiss on my cheek. My cheeks must be as red as a tomato. Gods, it seems everyone knows about my gender preference now.
"W-will do," I mutter shyly. Annabeth seems to look at me curiously with a raised eyebrow. Luke only smirks, as does Thalia. Yay... let the teasing begin.
"Thank you for everything, Marie. We'll make sure to keep her safe and remind her to send letters," Luke says with a smile. Not sure whether the smile has a double meaning, but I put my money on yes.
"Thanks, Luke. Good luck everyone!" Marie says as she waves us goodbye while we walk away. I sigh as I turn my gaze from Marie to the horizon. I wonder what the future has in store for me. A hand takes hold of my right one and gives it a squeeze.
"We'll be fine, Aileen," Annabeth says. I smile and gives her hand a squeeze back. "Yes, let's see what we'll find on the road. In any case, we'll face it together, Annabeth, with our friends."
~ four months later ~
The months flew by as we travel throughout the East Coast of America. We never stayed long in one place, but apparently Luke and Thalia made plenty of hiding places before they met us. To be better prepared, they started training us in fighting with Celestial weapons. I trained mainly with a sword, while Annabeth chose the dagger. Of course, we trained in other weapons, but I felt more comfortable with the sword.
As winter came, we tried to find a more comfortable and warmer spot to stay. The hiding places of Thalia and Luke were nice, but not very comfortable for winter temperatures. Currently, we are staying in a motel. The money from the coins has served us well. Only a couple of thousands remain from the original ninety thousand. I still have the remaining two, but I wasn't very willing to part with them. They remind me of the past, of the War, and I like to keep remembering it. The others didn't complain.
Thalia and Luke are out as they are getting some Chinese food from a store a few streets away. Annabeth seems a bit distracted as she looks out the window. One of her hands playing with Alexandra's ring. A bit of snow is falling from the sky. The room we have rented is not very large or extravagant by any means. Only four beds, a table with some chairs, a bathroom with a shower, and a TV. I was honestly freaking out when I first saw a TV. I thought people were trapped inside the TV, forced to act out some show or program. Annabeth laughed so hard when she heard me say that, it took her hours to calm down.
I came back in the room as I left the bathroom after I took a shower. When I saw Annabeth looking out the window, I couldn't help but think she had something on her mind.
"Annabeth, are you alright?" I ask her as I sit close to her from the bed. Annabeth sighs as she turns in her chair to look at me. "Yeah, I'm fine. I-It's my birthday soon," she says softly. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. Why didn't she say something?!
"Why didn't you say anything? We would have prepared something for you!" Annabeth sighs again as she turns to look out the window again. "It's the first birthday without my father... It feels weird."
"I see... I know how you feel, Annabeth. When Alexandra left for Europe, it was 1942. We all thought, at least the people I knew, that we would win quickly and easily. It took years. And I was alone, at home, waiting for her to come through the door. I had two birthdays without her, Annabeth. Of course, I got letters from her. But it isn't the same if she was there."
Annabeth looks with sympathy at me. Her gaze contains a mix of sadness for me and understanding. She takes a deep breath as she joins me on the bed. "Was it bad of me to run away?"
"Only you know that, Annabeth. But..." I chuckle a bit as I think about it, "Flamebrain said some wise words to me. You need to have faith. Faith that things will work out. I believe he is right. Give it time, Wise Girl." Annabeth smiles softly. "Maybe he is smarter than he looked... Thanks, Aileen."
"You're very welcome. When's your birthday?" I ask, putting an arm around her. She leans in the embrace a bit. "In three days." That's enough time for me to prepare something.
"We'll make the most of it. Is there anything you'd like to have?" I ask. It might be a stupid question, but you never know. I would be surprised if it isn't a book. "There're some books I'd like to have. I last saw a new book about modern architecture that looked very interesting," she says. What did I say?
"Sure, your wish is our command! We'll try to find it for you. Maybe an interesting book from each of us? Would that make you happy?" Annabeth lips form a bright smile. "Very happy."

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...