Aileen "Pistis" Corvius
It was the day after the battle. A grieving silence was spread around, a silence that consisted of snivelling siblings, watery eyes, and anger. Today we laid five campers to rest. Three died during the fighting while two others died not soon after due to their wounds, even ambrosia couldn't heal them. Among the dead were three Ares cabin members, one Hermes child, and one Hephaestus child.
A day of grieving and comfort for the siblings. The red, orange, and bronze fires reach for the heavens as they took off to their final test. A good rest, for they will see Elysium. After the ceremony and speeches, I retreated to the lake to play the violin. I neglected it for I have become more occupied with being stuck in a room, having divine duties, worrying about Annabeth... I want this to stop. If only Nyx joined us, we would have been done already. Not that I blame her, but still, it would have been great if she did.
The bow moved over the strings, a soft and touching tune starts to come alive. One that suits the atmosphere. A tune you often find at a funeral or at an event to remember the dead. Even if I wished to play something happier, I couldn't do it. I am just glad that none of my friends was dead.
"I missed your music, Aileen. Even if the tune is wanting to make me cry." I hear Thalia say as she approached me and eventually sat next to me near the shore. I let out a sigh as I put the instrument back down.
"You know, I thought when I became a Goddess I could fix things. Make the pain of others go away or at least help it to be less. I don't know if I am doing a good job. Do you know what I mean?" I ask Thalia.
"All too well. I took over the role of Zoe, but the things she had to do, the responsibilities... I have come to understand it is not for one person to fix everything, Aileen. We can only do our part and hope others will join. Don't let the deaths of the campers haunt you, you saved a lot of them by killing Kampê. That's what's important. Doing what you can," she says, putting an arm around my shoulder.
"Why do I still feel so powerless? I get that I am not able to do everything, but why don't people listen? Why can't I convince them to do what is better?" I say through a deep sigh. Thalia raises an eyebrow as she watches my rant.
"This is a first. I have never seen you question yourself this much, Aileen. Let alone such a powerful Goddess-"
"But that is just it, everyone keeps telling me I am powerful! More powerful than most on the council! But I can hardly see the difference between when I was a Demigod and what I am now. Sure I got a pretty star, so what?! People die and I can't prevent it! What good am I?!"
"Keep thinking like this and thy will fade. What good will thee be then?" Zoe says with a stern voice, "Where is the person that gave me purpose when I faced myself?"
"Zoe...?" I say with surprise as I turn to her. Thalia too looked at the former lieutenant that is looking down on me with a hard and stern gaze.
"Self-pity? Even I did not pity myself, Aileen. Do you think they died because thy weren't good enough to protect them? What would Annabeth think if she heard thee talking like this? Enlighten me."
"I- I don't know. Probably disappointed..."
"I would. You know, if it weren't for thee, many more would have died. Kampê could have decimated the entire fighting line. But it didn't, thy killed it. We all were fighting, not for thee, not for the Gods, but for our own friends and family. We don't need your pity, Aileen. I at the very least have no use for it, I need your power that gives us hope. You are the Goddess of faith. Start acting like it," Zoe says with such intensity.
I almost started to think she was one of those U.S. drill sergeants. But I can't express how touched I am by her and Thalia's effort to pep me up. It makes me want to engulf them in a hug and shed some tears. I should have known better. Even if things get hard, I should not pity myself or blame myself for everything that went wrong. Even as I am now, I shouldn't listen to my negativity. Perhaps I should listen to my own advice that I gave in the past.
"I guess your right."
"Guess? I am not guessing here, Aileen. I know I am right. Get up, thy hopeless Goddess. We need that optimism of yours."
"Thank you, Zoe. It is hard being thrust into something without much experience, it can even make me doubt at times. But you both are right. I am doing my best. That's all I can do, I think I need a reminder every so often. We best get everyone healed and ready. The final fight will soon begin."
"What do you mean? We just defeated them here? That will slow him down significantly, at least some months," Thalia asks while getting up.
"Hades will march on the Titan Lord. We have been tasked with defending Olympus. I wonder though, why are the other Gods not doing a joint attack? I need to visit Hades to talk about the plan..." I ponder as I stand as well.
"I don't-" Thalia starts to say but a voice from above interrupts us.
"Ooh, sister!" Aphrodite says with a singing voice.
Sister? What's this about? The three of us look up and see Aphrodite coming towards us. Nico was on it too. He looked embarrassed and strangely energized, and happy. Well, well, I guess the knot has been tied.
"Sister?" I ask but a smirk slowly adorns my face. Thalia looks shocked as does Zoe. Mostly they stare in disbelief at the radiating boy that stood awkwardly next to Aphrodite. One could say he was kept away from danger by what I assume was his wife. A stunning and otherworldly wife for that matter. The chariot touched down and both came towards us.
"Sister indeed! Oh, we will have a splendid time as a family! Won't we, sweety?" Aphrodite asks Nico who was so red... it made me slightly worried.
"Yes, we will. Well, uh, surprise?" Nico says awkwardly as he stands in front of us next to Aphrodite. Zoe was almost falling backwards, Thalia was so silent that I was becoming worried something was wrong with her. Well, what a shocker. And I can see the glow coming from Nico... they already did it. What a man!
"I hope you'll both be happy! Oh, brother, I am very happy for you!" I say as I hug him to congratulate him before I sent my gaze to the gorgeous woman next to him. "Make him happy, or I will make you miserable, Aphrodite."
"Worried much? Don't worry little Aileen," she says with a playful smile while booping my nose, "I will take good care of him."
I hear two thuds coming from behind me. It makes me sigh a bit, but I think both of my friends just fell backwards from shock. Aphrodite was very pleased by the reaction as she giggled while Nico awkwardly scratched his head. Yup, I can safely say they will make the headlines.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...