Chapter 91: A Moments Rests

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Annabeth Chase

Eventually, the path leads straight back into the labyrinth. Well, I had to lead the group through the prison. Luckily, the course I have taken made me study the prison for a project and having a good memory helps.

Vacant rooms, strange murals, and other things came by before we felt enough at ease to stop and rest. Everyone looked rather tired and a bit shocked about facing the once mighty foe.

I have to admit that I did not expect Aileen to appear in her Divine Form. Even Kampê should not have been able to survive such an encounter. All not equal to a God or Titan would have been incinerated by just looking at Aileen.

Even if we are now safe, we have to worry about getting out of here and possibly finding the inventor of this maddening maze or at least his workshop. Hephaestus, we need to find a path to his forges. There is a path that we can take but finding the path is the most difficult part.

For now, at least, we found a safe haven in a quiet room that looks actually nice. It is a small garden along with a waterfall. With some effort, we put together a camp. It is not much, but a warm small fire, a quiet, nondangerous place. It checks all the boxes of what I like to have for a resting spot.

"Right, so, that was amazing!" Nico says as we all sat around the fire. Braires was more to the side as he looks into the fire. Tyson kept an eye on him, but he let his hero ponder in quiet.

"You have to admit that she was powerful, right? I mean I never felt so much power in one place. Well, perhaps when all the Gods were together. But that doesn't really count," he continues.

"Even I am surprised, I did not think she had enough control to come here in her Divine Form. Every God and Goddess has one. When a Godly being appears in the form, all its power is in one place. Nothing will survive unless they are at a similar level as a Godly being or a Titan. What you felt during the council meeting was nothing if they were all in their Divine Form," Zoe explains.

"Would you survive? I know you said you are not as powerful, but Hera mentioned you're a minor Goddess," Percy asks.

"No, I do not have one. If I looked at her form, I would be able to see it for a few seconds and then die. I may be Daimon, but a very weak Daimon compared to most. All the children of Atlas were not very powerful now that I think about it. The Hesperides are only powerful due to them being tied to the Garden of Hera. I think only my sister Calypso has more of the power on my father's side. She is pretty powerful," Zoe says.

"I see, well, doesn't matter. Kampê is gone. That's all that matters," I say through a long sigh.

"Something the matter, Annabeth?" Bianca asks. Although, she seems to know as she glances at my ring. It has become dull, the golden rivers in the silver circle seem to have stopped flowing. I feel nothing coming from it anymore. Aileen must have gone into a slumber.

"I feel nothing from the ring anymore. Aileen must have gone into a slumber. Coming here must have made her spend all her spare energy. We do not have her guidance when going further," I explained to the group.

"I am sure we will be fine. This group can probably face anything else coming our way, or at least escape them," Grover says. I guess he is right. The most powerful that reside in camp are among us after all.

"You're probably right, but I am wondering about something. Braires, you said that you knew Pistis?" I ask. Braires turns slightly to us and nods in return. His face changed to an expression of someone in deep thought.

"Yes. Long ago I met her when she came out of the pithos of Pandora. Beautiful woman with a very positive outlook on life. However, she was locked up for a long, long time in the pithos. When freed, she did not know how to adjust and faded from the world," Braires explains.

"What was she like? How did she look back in the day?" Nico asks out of curiosity. Braires came over and sat with us. The ground shook as he sat down.

"Beautiful she was. Long red hair with freckles dusted on her nose and cheeks. Sharp and well-defined face. She looked surprisingly fit for someone that came out of the pithos. Her eyes were a gentle green that looked at the good side of men and immortals alike. The one that spoke to me through the ring felt a lot like Pistis when I met her," Braises says as he wore an expression with a distant look, a small smile present.

"I wonder if Aileen will look more like Pistis or like she is now as a daughter of Hades," I say contemplating it. If she does change, it won't matter. Aileen will be Aileen. Her personality is too stubborn to be replaced by anything else. And to be honest, the first Pistis sounds very much like Aileen.

"Does not matter. As a Goddess, she can change her appearance as she likes. She can appear however she wants," Zoe says to answer my statement.

"Your right about that. But I think every Goddess and God has an appearance that is their original. Their natural appearance so to speak," I say with a shrug. Zoe nods a bit. "I guess. I do not know," she answers in return.

"What will you do now, Braires? We could use your help in our fight against the Titans," I ask him.

"They threaten the camp of demigods? Hmm, I do not know. Pistis said I have to face the world again. Maybe but I will have to find my own way, think on what has been said," Braires says.

"Will I see you again? You are my hero!" Tyson says with clear enthusiasm and excitement.

"I am uncertain, cyclops. We will see, but I will find my way," he says with his own firm and resolute face. "My brothers are facing their own trial. I will too."

"Did you play a part in the creation of the weapons that the Gods wield?" Percy asks. I frown a bit. Where is this question coming from?

"I did not, young Demigod. The hekatonkheire were forced to make the palaces of the Titans. We were not close to a forge to smith them. Brontes and his siblings were tasked to tend to the forges," Braires answers.

"But you can?"

Braires nods. "I can. But you can't wield them. Too much power for you to handle, and I need special tools and materials," Braires says.

"Why even ask this, Percy? What kind of benefit would we get from it?" I ask him.

"Doesn't Aileen need a symbol of power?" He says.

By all the Gods, he said something useful. I can hardly believe my ears. Most things that leave his mouth are ridiculous, stupid, or questions that already have an obvious answer.

"Are you Percy?" Zoe asks, looking suspiciously at him.

"Of course I am! What makes you think otherwise?"

"You actually asked something that was valid and useful, that's what," I say. Zoe nods in agreement. "Yes. Quite shocking. There is hope for thee yet."

"I am not stupid! Why even think that?"

"Aren't thy happy? Our opinion of thee has increased. I am proud of thou, my Water Boy," Zoe says with a smile. Percy smiles softly as he let the issue slide. I guess feelings of another kind throws certain other feelings away quite easily.

"Can you make something for Aileen... or Pistis?" I ask the giant of a man. Braires confidently nods. "I can when I have everything I need. Pistis' symbol of power was quite pretty. A staff with a bright star. One could say it was a spear and the tip was the star," he says.

"A star? Why a star?" Percy asks with some confusion. I have to give it to him. This is not something I can match with Honesty, faith, or Trust.

"I do not know, Demigod. However, I know where the star fell. It lost its power when Pistis faded. I saw the dull star myself... My trial, I see now. I must breathe new life into the star," Braires mused to himself mostly.

"Glad you found purpose again. Zoe, shall we take first watch?" I say to her as I dust myself off a bit. Zoe takes a breath as we walk to the single entrance to this small glade. Pretty strange there is a garden here. Well, this whole place is weird. The rest made themselves comfortable for sleep and it didn't take long before everyone was in dreamland. Grover was pretty obvious with his snoring. Hopefully, tomorrow will bring not only pain and disaster...

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