Chapter 67: Percy To The Rescue

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I look through the many drinks and cold snacks. Many of them are bottles of Coca-Cola, Pepsi, or the other general brands of this age you could buy. I have never really liked the strong sugary taste of those drinks. In the end, I pick up a water bottle and some sandwiches for on the road.

As I walk towards the counter to pay, I motion for everybody to decide and come to the counter too. As usual, I am the one who pays, and it is not like they have buckets of money with them anyway. Grover barely has any money on him. Percy is always broke. Thalia has an excuse for not having money as she hasn't been in this world for that long, but she has nothing to her name too. Zoe, well, she hunts most often for her dinner and Artemis usually has plenty of supplies with her on the hunt.

"Everyone has everything they want?" I ask around. They all make sounds or motions of confirmation. "Alrighty."

I went to the counter and everyone placed their items on it. A large assortment of food and drinks. Grover has as usual the most out of everyone. My gaze goes to the man behind the counter. "I like to pay for all of this, and pump six," I say to the man. The man beeps everything and the final amount soon appears. Hot damn... what am I glad I am rich. We soon walked out and Zoe glances at Grover.

"Satyr, are thy certain about this?" Zoe asks. Grover swallows one of his snack as he nods. "Yes! Ninety-nine percent! Well, okay, eighty percent," he answers her. "Pretty cool, you can do that with acorns," Percy says.

"Oh, I am so stupid!" I groan out suddenly as I realized something. "I beg to differ, Lady Aileen. Thy have shown to be very wise," Zoe says.

"I'm not sure... There is a machine in camp that shows the direction of anything you want with pinpoint accuracy," I say with a soft groan. "Really? I did not know that we have such a machine," Percy says.

I let out a sigh as I walk to the car. "Yeah, Selina's girlfriend made a compass and used it during a quest to find me. I am not sure whether it will work, but I can get it if it turns out Grover's spell did not work," I say while pressing the key button to unlock the car.

"Unless this machine is the Bane of Olympus, it will not be of use," Zoe says while entering the car. "Ah, right, forgot about that little fact." As everyone is inside, I turn to Grover. "So, where to Goat Boy?"

"Straight ahead!" Grover says with confidence. And so I did. Grover performed some sort of spell that is supposed to show the way Artemis went. Well, I won't pretend to understand magic, that is really more of the expertise of the Hecate children. I glance in the rear mirror to see how everyone in the back is doing.

Grover looks pretty happy with everything as he nibbles on his food and sips his drink. I also see him focussing on the surrounding area, and, I suppose, his senses. I wasn't really interested in Grover. What I really wanted to know is how Percy and Zoe are doing.

Percy looks okay, I mean, it is Percy. He is pretty relaxed as he eats his own lunch. His female companion on the left on the other hand... Well, she does not press herself against the door anymore for one. Secondly, Zoe is also trying to not show her discomfort of sitting next to Percy. It is still pretty obvious, but I guess she gets points for trying.

I wonder if they'll ever get along. If Zoe listens to her heart and not her brain, she may even change her opinion about our opposite sex. I guess time will tell. As time always does. Grover directed me, and eventually we stop near a museum. It certainly is a weird location, and I do not trust it one bit. I feel there is something going on.

I park the car a bit away from the museum and turn to my friends. Yes, I consider Zoe my friend. I mean, she is pretty forthcoming with me and I do respect her. Say what you will, she treats you with respect. "Grover, you did find something. Did you sense it too?" I ask around. Only Zoe nodded in confirmation.

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