"Aileen, do you have time? I... uhm, prepared something for you... us."
I smiled very brightly as I follow her. The clothes she wears are casual, but leaning more towards nicer and higher quality clothing. It is perfect for her and the location, judging from where we are going. Her golden hair done with great finesse and such skill. A bit of make up on her face, but the amount and type is just right, making sure to bring out her natural beauty. There is no doubt within me, only one group has such skill and judgement when it comes to clothing and make up. Annabeth went to the Aphrodite cabin. It is very touching that she went through so much effort for just me.
Annabeth leads me further away from the main camp towards the forest. She sometimes plays with her fingers or looks at me as I walk next to her. This makes me smile and feel fluttery inside.
"Annabeth, I am already very happy. You don't have to be worried," I assured her, smiling brightly at her. Her cheeks are becoming redder and redder.
"I-I know, but I don't want to disappoint, is all! Hades expects me to do my best, so I will. Although, I have zero experience in this and unfortunately... books and having a good brain can't solve the issues of the heart. I... swallowed my pride and asked the Aphrodite cabin for help," she says, cheeks burning red.
The camp is slowly fading away as we now fully walk within the forest. It seems we're close to Zeus' Fist. The large pile of rock that lies within the forest. I wonder what Annabeth has prepared. Knowing her, she did her best, and I will be happy no matter what.
"We're close. I hope you are not allergic to pollen, Aileen. That would ruin everything...," she says softly, looking slightly towards the ground. "I am not, but I am allergic to fish."
She looks surprised as she looks at me and a bit worried for some reason. "Why did you never say anything? And you've never shown any symptoms..." she ponders. "I only have a reaction when I eat fish from salt waters. We never ate that type of fish, so I didn't have to worry."
Annabeth looks relieved again, this has probably something to do with food. "That's good to know," she says and takes a deep breath, "Aileen, I sincerely hope you will enjoy my surprise."
The forest opens up to reveal an oasis of colors. A strong and pleasant smell of different kind of flowers hit my nostrils. The space is filled with flowers as the sun shines brightly on it. A small creek flows through it as it makes it from a group of juniper trees to another cluster of oaks. A stunning picture of nature.
One would almost miss it due to the vast array of colors, but a small picnic has been set up near the creek. Several types of food and beverages are put under a protective net. Annabeth even thought about that. It shows how much effort she put into it.
"W-well, shall we s-sit down?" Annabeth asks with a slight stutter. "Annabeth, a minute of honesty, alright? Do you want this to be a date?" She nods shyly with bright red cheeks. "W-will y-you be my g-girlfriend, Aileen?" She asks.
I gently cup her cheeks as my lips connect with hers. Her body slowly presses against me to deepen in. A smile forms on her lips as her arms wind around my neck. "I'd love to, Annabeth. For as long as you'll have me," I answer, looking at her. "T-thank you, Aileen. I... It took me months to be honest with myself and to gather the courage..."
"I hope the wait was worth it, my Wise Girl. Let's enjoy the picnic you prepared. It looks lovely. You are the best," I say, worm an arm around her waist, and we walk to what she has set up. "The Aphrodite cabin couldn't come up with one plan. So... uhm, I took bits and pieces to settled on this..."
"I love it, Annabeth. It is about the effort, not the result. Really, I am very happy you did this." Squeezing her a bit to reassure her of my opinion. A wide smile forms on her lips as we sit down.
I am very much surprised by what she has prepared. A whole range of food and drinks are spread out over the blanket. Some of it must have been smuggled in camp by one of the Hermes kids. How much more is she making me fall for her?
Annabeth grabs a few quiches and sandwiches and puts them far away from me. "They have fish in them. I do not want you to get sick, not now." I chuckle and place a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you."
We turn to the sound of small feet that approach us from the forest. Both me and Annabeth see a small woman walking towards us. Her cheeks, a slightly darker shade of green compared to the lighter tint of green that is her skin. The hair is of amber color.
"Hello! I don't want to disturb. I couldn't help but give you a gift to celebrate the occasion. I plucked the best for you," the woman says, and holds out a handful of Juniper berries. "Thank you, eh..." I say as I hold my hands out in a bowl.
"Juniper, daughter of Hades. It's rare to see such a young couple near my tree! Please enjoy!" she says happily and walks back towards the cluster of Juniper trees after giving the berries.
I pick a berry and put in the mouth of Annabeth. "Any good?" I ask, smiling at her. She nods with bright red cheeks. "Very... eh, good." I chuckle, intertwine my finger with those of Annabeth, and enjoyed the afternoon with her for every second that I could...

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...