Chapter 26: Son Of Poseidon

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"So, Percy, how's everything?" I ask as we walk through the camp, my hand glued to the hand of Annabeth. She does not mind, as she swings the clasped hands a bit while walking. "Fine. Clarisse wasn't too happy when I soaked her with water," he says with a shrug.

He was awake for barely a day and already made an enemy out of Clarisse. I am not defending her actions, I luckily dodged the ceremony due to being a woman and earning her respect rather easy. Annabeth was rather young, so she was skipped. Apparently, Luke did 'partake' in it, though.

"Ah, yes, quite a show. Better be careful during capture the flag. She will come after you since you turned her little ceremony on her," I say with a chuckle. "Yeah, a rather watery welcome..." he mumbles.

"What exactly happened? You moved water?" Annabeth asked. "Right out of the toilet!" He says with a lopsided smile as he looks at us. "So, which Gods are your parents? I hadn't the opportunity to ask... although Athena is yours, Annabeth. That much is clear," he says.

"She sure is! A fine working brain she has," I say with a tinge of pride. Not much later, I feel a hand hitting me on the back of my head. "I am more than just brains, Aileen!"

"Of course!" I begin to say as I rub my head, smiling brightly. "You're beautiful, kind, caring..." Soon enough, a hand is put over my mouth. "That's quite enough! Thank you!"

I tilt my head slightly in confusion after her hand is gone. "I don't understand, Annabeth. I was being honest..." Again a hand is out over my mouth. "Just... sssh!" Annabeth groans out with red cheeks. Percy soon enough burst out laughing.

"You two are just made for each other! Pure entertainment," he says through his laughing. "Oh, you are so lucky you're not facing, Aileen..." Annabeth mumbles a bit irritated. "Why? She is going to tell me how amazing you are?"

"No! I mean, she better! Gods, you two are too much!" Annabeth groans, trying to hide her embarrassment by pressing herself into my side. I am totally happy about that. "I am curious, why are you supposed to be a threat?" Percy asks after he calmed down.

"Are you brave, Percy?" I ask. He shrugs a bit. "I hope I am, why? Am I going to face my greatest fear?" He asks curiously. "That's what you would be doing when facing me."

"Not sure if I follow..." he says with a frown. I let out a sigh and stop walking to look at him. "I can make you feel it, but please do not hold it against me if you do say yes."

"Sure. Why would I hold it against you? You two have been great to me! Aside from you two and Luke, everyone is giving me a rather hard time," he says. "Alright... Say my name when I need to stop."

I take hold of his shoulder and intently focus. He is brave, I can tell that much. But he is not as fearless as Thalia and Clarisse are when I poked in them. Or maybe Percy is just more free and going with the flow. What I can tell, Percy is a good person. When I am fully aware of his being, I push it inside him. Deep fear.

At first, Percy looked fine. Even a bit excited about it as he smiled softly. When I start to push, his eyes widen. A ragged breath starting to form. Sweat rapidly forming on his skin as it glitters in the sun. "A-Aileen!" He practically shouts in fear. I remove my hand immediately and stop focussing. He drops to his knees as they buckle under his own weight.

"See? I am sure you're happy about not facing her now," Annabeth says with a smirk. "Y-yeah, my god, that was horrible..."

"I am sorry, Percy. It is not something I like to do... Are you alright?" I ask as I help him up. "Thanks. Just give me a second, phew..."

"You recovered pretty fast from it... most are barely standing after I use it on them," I point out. "Lucky me, I guess. We better get to the game..."

And so we did. As Dionysus was about to begin the announcement, Luke came to me with two tickets in his hand. "Hey Aileen, I got what you wanted! It took some effort, but we managed," he says as he holds them out for me.

"You really made my day, Luke! Thank you!" I say with a bright smile as I take them. "Remember, the first day starts at 24th of December. Make it a day to remember," he says, pats me on the shoulder and walks to his own cabin members.

As the game began, I take my trusted spot. Sitting close to the flag and repel any attackers. It has worked very well most of the time. I am so good at it that only I am guarding the flag. Only the Athena Cabin managed to get past me... by using Annabeth. Only she can manage to lure me away.

Minutes go by as I sit patiently by the flag. It is boring, if I am honest. Sometimes I want to enter the fight myself and put my training to use. Maybe next time I can convince them. As times continues to tick by I started to throw some small rocks at trees out of boredom.

I throw another small rock, but with a difficult arch to make it challenging for me. As the rock flies through the air, I watch with anticipation and in the hope that I hit the tree. I drop my shoulder a bit in disappointment as it flies past the tree. However, I tense up as I hear a yelp and a groan from behind the trees. It came from Annabeth. I already start to think of several apologies. Puppy dogs eyes, that will do the trick...

"Really?! Throwing rocks out of boredom?" Annabeth says accusingly and definitely a bit angry at getting hit. "I am so sorry, Love! Please forgive me! It's just so boring guarding this flag alone..."

"Urgh, you're forgiven. And stop it with the puppy dog eyes! You know, I almost always give up when I see those..." she says as she walks towards me. Rubbing a red spot on her forehead. Strategy was a success...

"I came to say that we won. It seems I was also right that Percy is the son of Poseidon. I mean, water almost always equals Poseidon. It must be him," she says, motioning for me to walk with her. I do so with eagerness. Glad to be away from the flag and to walk with her.

"Aileen? Could come a bit closer?" I lower myself a bit, looking curiously at her. She smiles and, with a swift hand motion, flicks my forehead. "Ow! Why?!" I say while soothing my hurting forehead. "Don't ever throw a stone at me again, love."

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