Chapter 16: It Is Time

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Note: The picture represents Aileen. It is not mine, please send a message if you are the creator and want it removed.

By the time I woke up from my sleep, the victory celebration was already over. Apparently I was too exhausted by what I did that I slept through it. I did wake up, with a laurel on my nightstand along with a lot of... snacks? I guess they didn't expect us to win and gave me a sort of gift in their own way. It is also clear I missed dinner, I guess I have use for the snacks after all. I eventually came out of bed to walk the last few hours we are allowed to. The night is rather calming and it is a beautiful area to walk in.

I walked from the cabin towards the small lake. It's not too far and one of the places I like to visit. Even if the naiads, there can be tricky to deal with. As I walk, I ponder about the game. Clarisse can be rather hotheaded and angry when she fails or someone defeats her. I rather not deal with that.

When the Lake comes into view, I am rather surprised by seeing someone sitting at the banks. Usually it is quiet in the night, and I am the only one there. But this time someone seems to be doing some deep thinking. As the person comes closer, I am even more surprised to see that the person is Clarisse. I hope she is calm, because I have no energy left in me.

"Aileen, I know you're there," Clarisse says, turning to me. Her face calm, but it's clear she has been in deep thoughts for some time. At least I will live to see another day.

"Clarisse, I-I hope you're having a good night," I greet her. She sighs a bit. "I'm not angry. Not anymore, I destroyed two dummies to release my anger. You're quite safe," she says, turning to the lake again. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Clarisse. I was hoping to not get on your bad side. I am sorry if I caused you pain during the game," I say, hesitantly sitting next to her. Clarisse eyes me for a moment before leaning a bit backward. Her eyes towards the sky.

"It was not pleasant, I admit that. No one has ever made me feel that much fear. How did you do it?" She asks. I shrug slightly. "I can feel people's fear in a certain way or make fear that would make them tremble. If I reach deep enough, I can find it or make it in a person or monster's core." She looks towards me with a certain curiosity. "What did you see in me?"

"Almost nothing. It's the first time I ever sensed that. You are a brave person, Clarisse. One of the bravest I have met in my life," I explained to her. Clarisse smiles softly. "You know, I was not only angry at you for making me look so pathetic. But also myself. That I allowed myself to be so frightened by someone like you."

"Clarisse, I really had to work hard to make you feel fear. Usually, it is rather easy, but you... I only met one other person as brave and fearless as you. You should take pride in the fact that you're so brave. Even Ares should take pride in it," I say in a kind manner.

Clarisse smiles. "You're a strange one, Aileen. I appreciate what you said. Have a good night, I better get back to my cabin. See you around, Aileen." I wave her goodbye with a soft smile. "You too, Clarisse!"

I turn to the lake again before I need to head back as well. It is rather good to have Clarisse on your side. She can be rather temperamental and rather prideful. But I guess she can be nice too. I am glad it is weekend tomorrow. Some free time and hopefully nothing too worrisome.

On Saturday, I woke up refreshed and energized. Justin gave the signal that it's time for breakfast. Like the disorganized mob we are, we walk out like a large crowd of people hunting for discounted items. I take more of a leisurely pace.

As everyone is present, breakfast soon starts. Each person makes a sacrifice to their God of choice during dinner. Most often their parent, but since I do not know who it is I rotate the gods. Yesterday, it was the turn of Hades. Today, it will be Persephone's turn. I should think of a prayer before tonight.

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