Xandra and Selina were waiting for me when I arrived at the lake. The girls were talking with each other about a new machine. Selina was smiling with rosy cheeks. The smaller, light brown skinned girl was talking excitedly about some new invention that she made. They look like a cute couple.
"Even Charlie was impressed! He said it could serve as the camps compasses. I just need to- Aileen! This is exciting, isn't it? A quest for us! Who would have thought we would get the opportunity? Although, you already went on one. I think-" Xandra spews out as she sees me approach. Selina cut in soon enough.
"Xandra, you're rambling again," Selina says with a chuckle. "Sorry... I ramble when I am excited. Are we ready to go?" She says with a sheepish smile.
"I am ready to roll. So, figured out where you want to go, Selina?" I ask. Selina sighs as she looks westwards. "I don't know, but I suppose we'll find something if we go west. The lake is somewhat in the center of Camp, so I thought it was the best starting point," she explains.
Xandra nods approvingly as she starts to rummage through her backpack. It consisted of a lot of metal sounds, tools that being tousled around, and paper. It's like she brought some of her projects with her. A minute later, she pulls out a spherical device that contains a floating arrow in the center.
"We can use this to navigate! It's a compass that shows the direction you want to take. All you have to do is whisper where you want to go or in which direction. Here," Xandra says and hands it to Selina.
"West," Selina says in a whisper to the device. The arrow almost immediately sprang to life and points to the west of the lake. That is very impressive.
"I am amazed by what you made, Xandra! Truly, your father should be proud," I say with a smile, patting her on the shoulder softly. "Eh, eh, thanks Aileen. Alright, let's go!" She says excitedly, walking West.
And so our journey began. A vague destination, a hyperactive girl talking our ears off, and a child of love that is in love with said hyperactive girl. I am not sure if I am more afraid of degrading my mental integrity or whether we will get lost. Time will tell, I suppose.
Selina led the way as she holds the compass while I walk directly behind her with Xandra next to me. We first took a bus that took us all the way to the other side of New York. From that point we started to walk. It was the logical way as to not avoid anything that may be a hint.
During the walk, Xandra has been constantly talking for what seems hours. First it was about mechanical things she was previously working on, after that it was about the current projects. Something about a self making map for travelers, or a backpack that can hold immense amounts of items. I didn't understand a word she said.
There was a brief pause in her rambling of projects, I jumped at the opportunity to ask something else. Anything that could save me from the endless mechanical things. She is worse than Annabeth and her obsession about buildings. And that is saying something.
"Xandra, can I ask you something?" I quickly ask. Selina also softly sighs in relief. Even she had enough, I suppose.
"Sure! Whatcha wanna know?" She says with a smile. Gods, this girl... how energetic could one person be!?
"Anyone that has... caught your eye?" I ask. It made Selina tense up for a few seconds before she relaxed. I did notice her leaning into the conversation a bit more.
"You mean someone that I like? I sure do!"
It made Selina perk up even more, slowing her pace to hear the conversation better. It made me smile as I see it happen. Ah, love. What a wonderful thing and so enjoyable to see.
"Really? Who may that person be? If I may know," I prod further. Xandra smiles. "Well, I believe that is rather private, Aileen. I like to speak with the person first before saying anything. I am not asking who the person you like is, right?"
I raise an eyebrow at the girl. Is she living under a rock? Almost everyone knows of me and Annabeth. We do not even hide it from the world. And let's not forget the rings and inviting people to the wedding. I hold up my finger with my engagement ring.
"Xandra, I am getting married."
"What?! Selina, why didn't you tell me!" she asks with a pout. "You know, I barely leave the workshop. You're my lifeline to the world!"
"I told you. Four times I told you about them, Xandra. When you work, you barely hear me talk," Selina says with a soft chuckle. Xandra seems to still be pouting. "I need to get out more..." she mumbles to herself.
I shake my head as I laugh. "This quest will be entertaining. Gods, please let me experience more of- ow! Annabeth?!" I ask with shock, looking around, rubbing my head. Selina was suddenly next to me, easing her hand from the hit. "Selina?!"
"Sorry, Aileen. I promised Annabeth to make you behave."
"Fuck me, she is like a ghost. Always haunting me to behave..." I mumble out. Selina and Xandra laugh as we continue walking. The day eventually comes to an end. The blue color of the sky is slowly turning dark, and the night creators come out. As I have made a fire place and placed fire wood in it, Xandra lights it with a snap of her finger.
"Cool, you can control fire?" I ask Xandra. "Yup, only me and my full-blooded brother have the ability," she says. "Leo, right?" I ask for clarification.
"That's the one! He's more of the out going person of us two. Still, we work excellent together and build some great works!" she says, sitting in between me and Selina.
"He flirts too much in my opinion," Selina says with a sigh while baking some food in the fire. "Oh, he has a crush on you?"
"More like on any girl that he sees! Most girls in the cabin complain about him," Selina explains as she pinched the bridge of her nose. It seems Leo is a headache among the Aphrodite children.
"Well, I asked him to stop hitting on you. He complied, so you're free of him!" Xandra says with a chuckle. "Sure, but I am the counselor of my cabin. I hear every complaint. And let me tell you, my sisters can complain in a very annoying way!" she groans out.
"Family, right?" I chuckle out. "Tell me about it!" Selina says as she takes a bite of her cooked food.
"Speaking of family, I have something for you, Selina!" I say while rummaging through my bag. "I can't seem to make it work, but it may just be because of what I represent."
I pull out the pink scarf that shimmers slightly. For some reason, the magic does not respond to me or would not function. I began to think it had something to do with my domain. Good faith and making people love you does not always mix. Also, I already have Annabeth. That may be a good reason as well.
"This scarf belongs to your mother, Selina. I obtained it during the quest to get the Lighting Bolt. It does not work for me, but I bet it does work for you. As you are her daughter," I say and hand her the scarf. Selina looks with wide eyes at it.
"Powerful love magic is imbued in this scarf. It allows you to feel love between people, create love between two individuals, and something else. The last trait is hard to describe. A way to empower your charmspeak is the best way to describe it," she says as she holds in her hands while focussing on it.
"Sounds amazing and scary, but I urge you to use it wisely, Selina. This is no toy. It can literally start wars of immense scale when used poorly," I say as a warning. Our gaze turns to confusion when we see the fire turn pink. A soft, playful giggle emanates from it.
"Love can even bring the Gods to their knees. It has been some time since I last felt the presence of my scarf. You need to get loose once in a while, little Aileen. Too faithful, like those boring Virgin Goddesses. Use it wisely, my lovely daughter. Make sure to keep it intact, I want it back at some point. Have fun, loves!" Aphrodite says with a slightly singsong voice. The fire soon turns back to normal.
"Mother..." Selina says in a whisper as she slowly begins to smile. "I am very glad to be here at this moment. Thank you for helping me, Aileen. And you for being here, Xandra."
Xandra grins softly before placing a soft kiss on her cheek. "You won't have to use the scarf on me. I already made my mind up." The cheeks of Selina are graced by a graceful rosy color.
"Thank you," she peeps out.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...