In the early morning, Annabeth and I walk towards the Big House. Some campers look surprised to see us, which is weird. I mean, we were not gone for long. In any case, it seems this day we have not much on the schedule. So, the only real events I have for today are homework, unfortunately Annabeth still forced me to do it, and hearing the offers of alliances for capture the flag. Although, I haven't received any offer of alliances yet. Shouldn't take long, most often the groups fight over me to get me in their team. I already have my demands ready...
"Aileen, how long have we been away?" Annabeth asks. "Ehm, I am not sure how long we were in Tartarus... one, maybe two days?"
"I hope they don't think we did anything, you know," she says shyly. "They would know better, I hope..." I mumble out, looking around me. People are definitely wondering and talking about us.
Annabeth sighs. "By the way, I expect you to ally with my cabin this week! I am not losing this capture the flag just because we went on a side trip!" She says sternly. "Aye, aye captain. Hades' cabin stands with you!" I say with a chuckle. Annabeth rolls her eyes.
"On a more serious note, I am uncertain if we should explain this to mister D. Something tells me it is unwise," I say. It is hard to explain where the feeling comes from. Inside me, I have a strong sensation that it shouldn't become common knowledge yet. That the time isn't right. I could describe it as self-preservation, it is strange.
A deep sigh leaves Annabeth as she eyes me. "This is your decision to make. Your prophecy, your choices. But I don't see why we can't tell them," Annabeth says in return. "I am not sure, but something tells me it won't be good for me. Let's keep it between us for now." Annabeth only nods and gives a slight shrug.
"Aileen, I have no idea where you went, and I am curious but not at the moment... I have to know if you would ally with us this week? Better be early when it comes to you," I hear Luke ask. I turn to him with a smile. "Ah, I was hoping you'd ask. Annabeth, I'll see you later, alright? You've no objection to having the Hermes cabin on our side?"
"No, we should pretty much win with you on our side. But don't forget your homework! And don't go anywhere dangerous!" she says and walks away, towards her cabin. Luke almost starts laughing as he observes us.
"Got to keep the girlfriend happy, eh?" He says with some effort. "Always, and more than happy too! So, I do have a condition, Luke. I need you or one of your cabin members to score me some tickets to an event..."
Luke rubs his chin in thought after I explained what I need. "That ain't an easy favor, Aileen... but we both know who likes a challenge. Plus, Annabeth would love it!" he says with a smirk. Pretty much all the Hermes children are willing. And of course Annabeth would love it. I am pretty much an Annabeth Chase expert by now.
"Thanks, Luke. See you tonight at dinner." He nods and with a smile walks away. "Alright, my little Angel. Where are you now?" I ask myself softly, looking around for Annabeth. I raise an eyebrow as I see her carrying an unconscious boy and Grover to the Big House. The boy and Grover look injured from what I can see.
"Annabeth, what happened?" I ask as I jog towards her. "Grover and the black haired boy were injured fighting some monster. Help me carry them... will you?" She asks from the effort. In a moment's notice, I help pull both Grover and the boy in the Big House. Dionysus came into the infirmary to see what is happening and just as Annabeth and I put Grover and the boy on the beds, Chiron walked in.
"Let me see them," Chiron says as he comes towards us. "You know the boy?" I ask. "I do. A Demigod like yourselves. I'll make sure they're treated, but I need to get back to my duties. Could I ask you two to care for them in the meantime? You'll be exempt from any duties," he says.
"Sure," I answer in a simple manner. "Will do. You've nothing to worry about," Annabeth says. Chiron performs some of the medical procedures that look simple and not noteworthy to me, but I hardly know anything about it. We soon find ourselves watching the boy and Grover as they sleep. One thing I find strange is the almost constant staring of Dionysus at me and the boy.
"Have fun watching these two," he eventually says. However, I can't help but notice the intense stare from Dionysus. As he leaves, he looks briefly at the boy.
"Mr D. has good instinct," I say softly to Annabeth. "He does, doesn't he? He stared for a long time at you," she says, before looking at the boy and Grover. "Let's make sure they are comfy and tended too..."
Two days pass in relative peace, Grover woke up first. I am happy to see Grover again. He has been away for a long time to search for his God Pan, while also looking for a Demigod. It really is nice to have a happy and caring person with you, even if he is rather easily scared. He may be easily frightened, but he is brave, strange enough. All in all, a good friend to have.
"Hey Goat Boy, you alright?" I ask as I sit at a nearby table, holding Annabeth's hand. "Aileen! I am glad to see you again! And you too, Annabeth! Is Percy alright?" He asks, looking around the room and specifically the boy.
"Still asleep, but no deep injuries. I think he is just exhausted," Annabeth says, a thumb mindlessly stroking my knuckles. Grover looks at the clasped hands and smiles. "I missed a lot, it seems! Congratulations, you two. Took you long enough," he says, and practically jumps from the bed to hug us.
Both Annabeth and I laugh as we wind an arm around him. "Thanks, Grover. It's good to have you here again. What happened to you two?" Annabeth asks. "I am not sure if it is because I am the most tasty looking satyr, but we were attacked. Percy defeated a Minotaur before it could kill us.... But his mother was less lucky," he explained. I look with pity at him. That's harsh. I would know.
"We'll help him through it. I can certainly relate..." I say softly. A squeeze from Annabeth is almost immediately felt on my hand. "Rather strange for a Minotaur to be attacking and kill a mortal. It's similar to how we arrived at camp, don't you think?"
"That usually means something crazy will happen."

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...