Chapter 72: Choosing And Accepting

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"What did Aphrodite want with you three?" Thalia asks as we enter the car.

"Well, I felt more like a third wheel. She mainly thanked me, and encouraged me to get Annabeth back," I say, putting the key in the ignition.

Thalia turned in her seat to look at Zoe and Percy. Zoe still looks to be processing something. Poor Zoe. I get the feeling her brain had to dissect and process so many new things and revelations. It makes me wonder how much more she can take before she will have a meltdown. She will have a love life with someone according to Aphrodite. And I do not doubt it if Aphrodite says so. That is enormous, monumental for Zoe.

"And you?" Thalia asks them. Zoe does not seem to hear the words, her mind is too occupied with other matters. Percy sighs softly and he shrugs.

"Drama," he answers. Thalia raises an eyebrow in confusion, not sure what it means. Grover too looks intrigued as he glances at the two.

"Drama? What the fuck does that mean?" She asks elegantly for clarification. "A dramatic love life!" I say with a chuckle and drive out of the parking lot. It sure made Thalia look with shock at Zoe.

"You?! Love?! I gotta admit, I am wondering who will have to endure you. Oh, this is so good! Best. Quest. Ever," Thalia says, practically laughing at her.

"Oh, Zoe is not that bad. A girl with a big heart will not be bad to have as a partner," I argued back as I drive once again towards our destination.

In the meantime, Zoe just kept staring at her hands with a blank expression. Unable to think and lost in her mind. I don't think she even heard what we said.

"We're closing in on the dam. There is even a restaurant. Shall we take a break here?" Grover says as he saw a sign going past us.

"The Hoover Dam. Built in the 1930s. 212.4 meters tall. One of the largest construction projects in the United States and with a volume of 3.3 million cubic meters," I sum up just to make sure Annabeth will be proud of me. Grover, Thalia, and Percy nod along knowingly.

"What?" Zoe says with confusion, looking at us. Her brain has started working again, but I have a strong feeling that she wants to talk to me. I am not sure how useful I will be. My expertise does not lie in the matters concerning love.

"My fiancée is very much into architecture. She would tell us everything about every monument and building if she could. This is one of her favorites monuments... I miss her."

"We will find her, Aileen. Have no fear. But lunch sounds good," Zoe says. Without further ado, I parked the car, and we started to walk towards the restaurant. Before I could get very far, I feel someone tugging on my sleeve. Zoe stood next to me as she looks at me.

"If possible, I would like to talk to thee. Please?" Zoe asks, her eyes somewhat pleading. I give her a reassuring smile and nod. My gaze goes to my fellow companions before they get too far from us.

"Thalia! Save us some seats. We will have the same as you," I call out to her. Thalia gives us a thumbs up and the group continues walking. Zoe and I walk towards a bench to sit down. Our view is pretty amazing. Bright blue sky, a perfect view of the rocky desert landscape and the large lake to our back.

"I guess this has to do with what Aphrodite said, am I right?"

Zoe sighs deeply as her hand goes over her face. It seems her mental capacity to process these "absurd" events has reached it's limit. Doesn't surprise me to be honest, her two thousand year life consisted of mostly the same and a constant rhythm. Now she has been put into a rollercoaster with every turn being a surprise.

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