Chapter 83: Before Plunging Into The Deep

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I watched the snow fall gently from the sky as it covered the grounds in a soft blanket. I stand together with Zoe and Chiron watching the camp becoming whiter and whiter. It was calming, but we three knew what the not-so-distant future would hold. I didn't want to imagine it, but I couldn't stop my brain from imagining smoke and ruined buildings. Camp on fire and all the buildings destroyed. I don't want it to happen.

"I imagine we will have a quest soon. It seems to be a constant every time camp starts," Chiron says as he watched the snow making a white cold blanket. All the buildings turn white, the ground becomes soft and fluffy.

"Yes. It is as thy have stated in the meeting. Half-Bloods are the tools of the Gods and tools need to be used," Zoe says, a sigh soon follows. "Is it possible to experience something of normality?"

"What is normal? I haven't experienced normal in decades," I say with a chuckle. Zoe smiles as she nods in amusement. Even Chiron chuckles before he took a deep breath and released it.

"I have trained Half-Bloods for as long as I can remember. It never became easier for me to see them go off to war. War against the Giants. Trojan war. Second World War. Every time I hoped they would be spared. And every single time, Half-Bloods died. My hope is always that I spared one from dying as I train them. That it is enough to at least spare one from leaving this world. But I fear I must seek help," Chiron explains to us.

Zoe looks at the centaur with newfound respect. I can see her soft gaze as she drops her own gaze to the snowy ground. She takes a deep breath as she nods in understanding.

"I know the feeling, Chiron. Being lieutenant of the Hunters makes thy responsible for them. To train them and teach them what to do. I saw many die on the hunt and in battle. Their deaths still weigh heavy on me. It makes me think. If I just taught them better, they would still be alive. But sometimes it is fated to happen, as cruel as that may be," Zoe says, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"It won't stop me from trying. I am tasked to take care of them, and I will," he says while his gaze goes to Percy and Annabeth who approach us.

"Prepared to leave camp?" I ask them. Both nod as they join us. Annabeth slightly leaned against me while Percy stood next to Zoe.

"Are you certain you want me to stay in camp?" I ask Annabeth. She smiles, placing a soft, quick kiss on my cheek.

"Yes, dear. I like to visit my father in San Francisco. You know, strengthening the ties we have. I think it is only fair to be more honest about the future. This will also give me the chance to keep an eye on the Titans. Don't worry, I have plenty of Drachma with me. I will send as many Iris messages as possible."

"Alright," I say with my own reservations. We only spend a day together again and now she once again going away. I don't like it, but Annabeth insisted I help with preparing the camp and train the few that were still here.

"Why do I have to go to school? You always go and have fun while I have to sweat in school banks," Percy says with some irritation. Zoe raises an eyebrow as she looks at Percy.

"Percy I still attend school. It is just online and not in a building."

"Want me to join thee?"

"You want to go to school?"

Zoe shrugs as she looks again at the winter scene. "I've never been to school. Sounds interesting. At the very least I can have fun watching thee struggle while attending school."

Percy sighs as if he isn't sure to be grateful for her company or if it will make it only more of a torture. I watch in great amusement at the pair. Even Chiron and Annabeth wanted to laugh.

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