Bianca di Angelo
Annabeth had to chuckle as she hears my words all the while a small smile creeps up her lips. The door of the Big House opens once more as Chiron walks out. A gentle smile on his face as he looks at our group.
"Well, it's an important Quest. So, who will go with you, Annabeth?" he asks her.
"Everyone that is present plus Grover," she says as she glanced at Grover that comes our way. He sometimes trips as he tries to hurry to get to us. Grover even waves at us as we all look at him for a moment. We turn our gazes away as he trips and falls on his face.
"Are you sure? It is not lucky to choose so many to go on a quest. There are exceptions, but most often straying from the number three will result in death among the people who go," he says.
"We accept the risk, Chiron. You must know we have the best chance of completing this Quest," Zoe says without even a sprinkle of doubt or worry.
"What she said, and we have someone watching over us. Aileen hovers over Annabeth like a guardian angel," Nico says with a smirk.
Chiron sighs. "Very well. Zeus' fist you said? Clarisse will be informed about it so a watch can be set up. Good luck my friends. Come back alive. Shrouds will be made for you, I will see to it," he says.
As Chiron goes to the main camp area, Annabeth turns back to us. "I need to visit Zagreus and Aileen. They should know what will happen. Prepare the best you can. We will meet at Juniper's tree in two hours. It is close to the entrance after all. Zoe makes sure everyone is on time," she says and walks away after Zoe gave a nod in confirmation.
Annabeth Chase
I take a breath to calm myself for a moment. Bianca may be lighthearted about it and she isn't wrong that it is nothing new. Only when it comes to Aileen do I get worried and fearful of what could happen. Hades' warning about her vulnerability and weakness in this state hasn't escaped my mind. Whether Zagreus is guarding her or not. Kronos will sweep him away if we lose and do Gods know what.
"Annabeth? Thinking too deeply again?" Aileen asks as her voice fills the garden of her cabin. A soft smile forms on my lips, nodding a bit.
"It's about the prophecy, isn't it? Look, love, you will have many standing with you. My siblings, Zoe, Percy, Tyson, and Grover. Don't you see there is nothing to worry about? If there is a dream team out there then this is it. Three Demigods of the Big Three. Zoe is a Daimon and very skilled at what she does. Tyson knows much of crafts which could be very useful. And Grover is a great searcher, but I feel he will diverge and take another path quickly to search for Pan," Aileen says in a reassuring voice.
"But I still worry. What if we lose? This is the first time I am leading an important Quest, Aileen. If I fail, I lose everything I care about. You, this camp, our future..."
"That's where faith comes into play, dear Annabeth. Without faith, why would we struggle to achieve things? Why pursue something if you do not have faith that you will reach it one day? Have faith that it will work out. It does not solely rely on you. Look to our friends and you'll find a helping hand," Aileen says as she lets a warm blanket engulf me. Easing my feelings once again.
"Always the optimist. I guess you're right."
"Mhm. I am all-knowing now, right?" She says with a soft laugh. "But I will help, love. Can you slide the ring I gave you under the door?"
"The one you blessed?" I ask.
"That's the one I mean, yes."
I do as she asks. The ring slides off my finger and I carefully slide it under the door. The bright light tingles the skin as it constantly pulses from under the door. Even if it is briefly, I can feel Aileen's overwhelming presence.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...