Chapter 113: Double Personalities

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Aileen "Pistis" Corvius

"Let me get this straight..." Annabeth begins to say. "You are telling me that Aphrodite divorced Hephaestus?"

"More the other way around, but yes," I answer.

"And she was allowed to find another husband but most Gods were off limit?"

"Yup! All on the council plus me. But I wouldn't even dream of marrying her. You are the one, Annabeth!"

Annabeth smiles, nodding knowingly. She kissed me on the forehead and once on the lips before she sat back down in a comfy chair.

"Good. Once this is over, we will marry! But back to the topic... So, in her search, she practically took Nico with him and came back as a married couple?"

"Indeed! Isn't that wonderful?"

"Weren't thy complaining about everything a few hours ago?" Zoe asks laying on a sofa, close to the fire that roared in the fireplace of the saloon of the Hades cabin.

"This isn't about me, this is about Nico. I know my flaws better now. That doesn't mean I don't need a stern talk from time to time. Anyway! You should have seen Bianca! Hilarious!"

"Hilarious...? Why?" Annabeth asks with confusion. "She is not jealous, is she? I mean she has Calypso... Actually, a better question is what is going on with the Gods?! What is next? Which God will change now?"

"I don't think the rest will change anytime soon, but I will tell you what happened with Bianca...

~ a few hours ago ~

"Aileen? What's... Lady Aphrodite?" Binda says blinking with shock at the approaching woman. Luckily, we managed to get behind the Hades cabin without attracting any attention. Basically, I put on a darkness shield around us. Shielding us from sight.

Aphrodite wasn't thrilled as she relishes in the attention, but she sees the benefit of keeping it short and sweet. After all, she only came to announce it to the family. I have to give her some credit. She at least has some manners in these matters. Despite the many, many affairs.

"Hey sis, I have a surprise. I'm married!"

Bianca blinked and fell forward onto the ground.

... I have never seen anyone collapse so quickly!" I finish.

"No wonder..." Annabeth says while a hand goes through her hair, "Do you have any idea how much has changed within just a few years? A lot! Especially compared to the previous thousands of years! Of course, she would collapse! Her brother, who is barely fifteen, just married."

"If you put it that way... I just see it as a beautiful thing! You know, I sensed a trust between those two. Not sure why or how, but I did."

"You know what? I don't even care anymore. He is happy? Well, good for him, just leave me out of it. I won't try to understand this shit anymore. What's the use anyway?" Annabeth says. She seems mentally exhausted by these events. And who wouldn't? Each time a new thing has been processed another bizarre and extraordinary event will come.

"I stopped a long time ago, Annabeth. Just let it come and go," Zoe says. I look between the two and see that both are not looking to deal with these things anymore. I don't know, I love it, but I can see why they don't think the same way about it as I do.

"In any case, we should go Annabeth."

"Right..." she says as she stands up from the chair before she looks towards Zoe. "Zoe, can you take care of things here?"

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