Chapter 49: The Quest Begins

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Our journey westwards continues. I can feel it from Xandra and Selina, they are getting restless. For two days, we have been walking in a western direction.  Along the way we have come across nothing that could spell doom, trouble, or danger. Personally, I am getting tired of this aimless walking.

Even if so, I have enjoyed the company of Xandra and Selina very much. Xandra took a liking to me almost immediately. She was apparently also the one that made the strings for my violin. It caused me to quickly shadow travel back and forth to get the violin. As appreciation, I gave both Selina and Xandra a small concert. I saw them kissing as I played a rather romantic tune while my eyes were "closed".

After that night, we soon found ourselves on the road once more. The forest was nice and calming. Usually, I am quite fond of walking through a forest, but not while we're supposed to find some lost soul or danger.

"Aileen?" Selina asks as we go through the forest. "Yes, what's up?"

"Was this similar to the quest for the lighting bolt? This much uncertainty?" She asks. I let out a sigh while shaking my head. "No, we knew at least where to start looking. Of course, we didn't know everything, but not this little."

"What are we actually looking for?" Xandra asks. I glance at her before looking around us again in the hope to see a 'lost soul'.

"We're looking for a lost soul," I answer. A frown of irritation and frustration form on Xandra. "What in Hades does that mean?"

"Do not curse with my mother's name, Xandra. I do not appreciate it," I say, as my words are laced with sternness. "Sorry, Aileen. But this frustrating! A lost soul somewhere in the west?! That-" Xandra stops talking suddenly and looks around us with narrowed eyes.

"Xandra? What's wrong?" Selina asks. Xandra eyes suddenly widen in shock as she takes us by the arm and pulls us back. Both me and Selina yelp in shock and surprise.

Barely a second later, a sharp bronze metal blade drops, just in front of us. We were almost cut down by a guillotine. From the shadows, five creatures emerged with weapons drawn. They are around eight feet tall beings with very muscular arms and bodies. Some carry iron metal clubs, while others have flaming stone rocks in their hands.

"The commander wants them alive," one says to others. "Take them out!"

I rise to my feet, shadows gathering. "Silena, make sure Xandra stays safe. I will take them on."

Darkness courses over my skin, hardening, forming my armor. My blade is coated in darkness as I look coldly at the five muscular men. They seem to ready themselves for battle as their clubs rise in the air. Rocks set aflame, ready to throw at us.

"Surrender and be spared. Refuse and you will die," I announce in a dark and stern voice. "Ha! We outnumber you-" one says, which I assume is the leader. He stops as I rush forward with incredible speed.

My sword makes an upward arch to the leader. It is met by the metal club, a pained grunt leaves him as he is sent backwards. The loud cracking of wood fills the air as three trees come crashing down to the forest floor. He comes to a stop with a crash, unmoving.

In a quick spin, I direct a strong kick to one that holds a flaming rock. Bones crack, spit flies out of the mouth as the giant soars straight through the air into the darkness of the forest. The three remaining giants stare in horror at me, slowly backing away.

"This will not do. You giants are useless," a male voice echoes from the dark. My brows furrow together as I look around. I can't see him. This is not good.

"Show yourself!" I call out. "And get cut down by your blade, Aileen Corvius? I am not that foolish," he says with a chuckle. Words of Ancient Greece soon fill the air, my vision slowly turns black.

"Sleep, Aileen. It's time for you to take a rest." My eyes roll backwards as I feel myself falling asleep by force, while my sword falls to the ground from my weakened grip. My vision soon fills with darkness.

Silena Beauregard

"Aileen..." I whisper, shocked at what I see. The male voice soon stopped speaking as Aileen falls to the ground, disappearing in black smoke.

"Commander, what about the other two?" One of the remaining giants asks. "Kill them, eat them. Do what you want. I care little about their fate. The Titan King cares solely for... Aileen."

I feel the scarf giving me the sense that the voice held a certain level of love for Aileen. Why that is, I have no idea. But I am a bit more worried about the three remaining giants. A toothless grin is sent to us as they approach us.

"They're gonna pay!" Xandra says through gritted teeth, her anger palpable. Her bag drops to the ground, with her hands above it. The bag shakes violently as it bursts open as two bronze gauntlets fly out of it, attaching them to her hands. Flames soon covers them.

"What's the plan exactly?" I ask. Small fiery explosions erupt around her hands. "They'll burn! Kill the left one, I'll burn the other two," she says and charges forward. A flaming fist impacting the closest giant.

I take a deep breath as I draw my sword, following her command. The pink scarf shimmers as the voice of Aphrodite fills my head.

"Remember sweetie;
Love is power.
Love is control.
Love can kill."

My lips form a loving smile as I look directly in the eyes of the giant. Two gray orbs stare at me with longing. The scarf shimmers brightly. My voice turns sweet as honey, as smooth as silk. It sounds so enthralling, it even scares me.

"Kill yourself for me!" I command the giant.

The eyes dilute as a haze covers them. A large hand takes the black sword of Aileen from the forest floor. The hand slowly starts the decay as it holds it in its hand. A smile graces the giant's torn lips.

"Anything for you, my angel!" he says and without delay plunges the sword into his heart, he soon erupts in a gray and golden sparkly mass. I turn to Xandra who was fighting the other two giants.

One giant was burning alive. Giant hands trying to put out the flames in vain. The fire only roars with more and more intensity. Xandra herself was pounding the other giant to death. The face is being cracked and broken till it was soft powder. Both giants died a horrible death.

Xandra was breathing heavily as she stares with fury at the smoldering corpses. Each breath caused the flames to momentarily rise in intensity.

"Xandra, calm down!" I urge her. Xandra closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before she turns to me. "We have to find her! You heard the voice. The Titan King will soon have her in his clutches!"

"I know! I know! But how?!"

I racked my brain on how to find her. It was hard to get coherent thought as my heart was pounding against my rib cage. My powers are useless. What else?! My eyes widen as I start to rummage through my pocket.

"What are you doing?! This is no time- the compass! You're a genius!" Xandra says. I smile as I bring the device close to my lips. "I want to go to Aileen," I whisper in the device.

The arrow turn from west to north-east. I look to Xandra, her eyes shine with determination as she picks up her backpack.

We soon began running towards Aileen to save her.

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