Chapter 14: Camp Half-Blood

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As we came into the Camp, the few people that were there came to greet us. It wasn't many like most have gone to their homes. Two more important-looking people were waiting for us. It seems they have seen what has happened at the hill. One of them sits in a wheelchair as he looks at us with a fatherly smile. The other one is almost the complete opposite. It's a man that seems to be in... Hawaiian clothing with running shoes. He looks like a homeless person that is always drunk.

"Greetings, young Demigods. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood," the man in the wheelchair says. The other guy just opens a can of soda and drinks without really paying attention. "We have seen what has transpired. My condolences about the loss of your friend."

No one really said anything. It's bitter to know you're here by the sacrifice of a dear friend. The man in the wheelchair smiles with sympathy at us. "I am Chiron, Activities Director of the Camp. This is Dionysus, God of Wine, the Camp Director." We all look at Dionysus in surprise. I look surprised because he looks like a total drunken homeless person to me, not a God. He seems to be hating to be here too. No one said anything yet again. Probably because he was almost glaring at us.

Chiron sighs a little. His face portrays a bid of sadness that covers his face. The man has brown curly hair with a thick beard. "It seems we have lost the daughter of Zeus. We'll make sure to honor her bravery and courage. It's a great shame and a tragedy that she died before making it to Camp. I am sure you're all tired from what you just went through. As the rules state, all unclaimed Demigod children can rest at the Hermes cabin until they get claimed. Please, rest and recuperate. We'll talk about today's event tomorrow when everyone has rested."

We didn't complain. I just wanted to rest and grieve for our fallen friend. Although, why do I feel like she isn't dead? I saw what happened on the hill, but somehow I feel like she is not completely dead. It feels as if she is in some sort of stasis. Between life and death. Maybe this Chiron guy could give me an answer tomorrow. I rather not ask Dionysus, I don't think he wants to deal with me and my problems. One of the Demigods led us through the camp towards the cabins.

The camp is stunning as if we were brought to Ancient Greece. The grounds themselves are very beautiful with a forest and bounty of life. An amphitheater made out of marble and statues with bright colors. A similar style can be seen for the arena. Another thing that definitely stands out is a huge climbing wall with lava. Why the lava? Then there are a few buildings that look more... normal. A forge, but definitely not only for normal smithing practices. There are many more things to see, but I can explore the camp later. I guess this magical place will be home from now on.

As we walk through the campgrounds, Grover eventually said goodbye. He had to report to his council. We gave our own farewell. Grover was definitely nervous about facing his superiors. They shouldn't blame him. It wasn't his fault.

Eventually, we walk among the many cabins. There were twelve in total. One could easily identify some cabins and which demigod children can be found there. The one that belonged to Hermes is a large wooden cabin. You can easily see that it gets the most frequent use out of all the cabins. It has paint that is slightly starting to chip away, and is generally not the best well-kept cabin. But somehow it feels very inviting to me. Only four cabins are not really in use. Apparently, those belong to Artemis, Hera, Zeus, and Poseidon.

Hera and Artemis are easily understood. I have started to read more about the Gods. Artemis is a virgin Goddess while Hera never cheats on her husband. Makes you a bit sad when you think about it. Zeus is the definition of extramarital affairs. The cabin of Zeus and Poseidon has not been used in decades since the Pact. They swore off having any Demigod children. I am not certain what the reason was for that decision.

As we enter the Hermes cabin, many voices reach us. We walk through a few corridors which have a few stray packages and tucked-away boxes here and there. It is a mess in here. We are led through the corridors towards the main sleeping hall. Several campers are chilling, sleeping, or talking with each other. I frown as I see a few people sound asleep. How could anyone sleep here?

"How are we supposed to rest here..." Annabeth mumbles. "I... don't know," I answer softly. Luke looks around curiously with a soft smile. He should feel more at home here. It's the cabin of his father, after all. The boy that leads us here motions around in a grandiose manner. "Make yourself at home," he says before walking away.

I sigh a bit. "Right..." I mumble and look around to find an open spot to rest. It's... difficult. Only two beds remain free, from what I can tell. "Of course... only two beds..." I groan out. Luke chuckles softly.

"I don't think any of you two want to share with me. Or do you?" He asks. Annabeth and I immediately shake our heads. He laughs as he sees it. "I'm gonna look around a bit. See you later," he says, and starts to explore the cabin.

"So, want to rest or...?" I ask Annabeth. She looks at me softly nodding. "Yeah, I... I also don't want to process this alone," she says softly. I put an arm around her shoulders. "I understand. Come, let's pick the best one and rest a bit."

As night was already coming, the cabin eventually rumbles to a quieter level. Some were still awake, but speaking softly. The rest of the inhabitants barely react to the noise. It seems everyone is used to it...

I share the bed with Annabeth. But I have a hard time sleeping. Every time I tried, I see Thalia. When we celebrated Annabeth's birthday, or when she was teaching us how to fight... We spend years with her on the road. And now she is not here anymore. It is why I am leaning against the windowsill, looking towards the bright moon.

"Can't sleep?" Annabeth asks softly. I shake my head. "No... I keep seeing Thalia," I answer, turning to look at Annabeth. She sits back up and joins me by the window. "Me too... Do you think she will go to Elysium?" I smile a bit. "I think that is a given, but... call me crazy, but I don't think she is dead."

Annabeth frowns in confusion. "Aileen, we saw what happened. How could she be alive?" I sigh a bit. "I don't know, Wise Girl. It's just what I feel. I guess we'll find out more tomorrow."

The next day came at a slow pace. I hardly slept at all. Annabeth was in the same boat, but she was so tired that she fell asleep against me. I let her do it. She looked more peaceful when she slept against me. It made me feel warm and fluttery.

I will tell her about my feelings as well, but she needs time. I will never force my feelings on her when she doubts or is not comfortable. Especially if she hasn't come to terms with loving the same gender. If there is one thing that I have mastered, then that is patience. I'll wait for you, Annabeth. For as long as I have to.

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