Chapter 6: Familial Bonds

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Annabeth Chase

I sit at the table with Aileen's sister. Luke and Thalia are also there, but have been very quiet ever since the visit to the memorial park. Marie was making tea in the kitchen for all of us as we give some time and space to Aileen. She has locked herself in one of the guest rooms on the floor above. Thalia and Luke do not dare to come close to the room. Thalia explained that her deepest fear was taking root in her, making her sweat and hyperventilate. Luke said something similar. Rather strangely, Marie and I didn't feel anything.

Marie sighs softly as she put some cakes and cups with tea on the table. "Poor Aileen, I can't imagine what she feels. It was hard for me, but this is something completely different. This is so cruel for such a young child. She is only eight years younger than my youngest child..." she says.

What can we say, this is one of the cruelest ways of finding out about what happened to your mother. And I know plenty of ways due to the work of my father. "It is cruel..." Luke says softly. Thalia nods in agreement. "I like to think I am brave and fearless, but... I think I would break from this," she admits softly as she looks at her lap. It was silent after those words for a good few minutes.

Marie looks around the table. "Uhm... I can't help but notice you're all young. Did you run away from home?" I immediately shrink in my chair. Thalia seemed lost in some kind of anger. Luke has some kind of deeper issue, I am not sure what, though. Well, it seems we all share the same background. No one answered, which is an answer in itself, I suppose.

Marie sighs. "If you'd like, you can stay here, I am used to a busy household," she says while sending a kind smile at us. "And I think Aileen would appreciate it. She seems to trust you three."

"I'm not sure about that..." Thalia mutters. I frown with irritation at her. What kind of answer is that! "Why?" I ask, annoyed at her stupid response.

"Don't get on your high horse, Wise Girl. Aileen sends out waves of something that keeps me and Luke away. I only sense it when she mistrusts or feels uneasy around me. Aileen does not want to see me," she explains, leaning back in her chair as her head rests on her hands. Luke sighs. "I think Thalia is right. Could you check up on her, Annabeth? I worry about her."

I look at Marie to see what she thinks. She nods as a soft smile is present on her lips. "She needs your support. I would go, but seeing me will only remind her of our mother." I take a deep breath before walking up the stairs towards Aileen. It does not take long before loud sobs of pain and sadness are heard throughout the hallway. It is so full of pain, it makes you want to cry when you hear it.

When I reach the door to the room, I notice it is slightly ajar. She probably forgot to lock it again after she went to bathroom. I muster all my courage and... well, wits, to make Aileen feel better. I hate to see her like this.

Carefully, I open the door a bit. I feel myself starting to sweat as my breathing picks up in speed. My body starts to shake as my eyes widen in fear. From the darkness of the room, I see large spiders crawling towards me. Glowing red eyes stare menacingly at me with venom dripping from their beaks, ready to spit it at me. It makes me feel cold. I never felt so cold and such fear before.

I try to push myself further into the room. It is hard, it took almost everything I had to take one step forward. "A-Aileen?" I say in a pathetic whimper. As if it were a magic word, the room suddenly becomes normal. In the room I see a clean bed with green sheets, a night lamp that illuminates the blue colored walls, and in a corner Aileen. She has curled herself into a ball. Clear tear stains mark the surrounding floor. "Aileen?"

"Wise Girl..." she whispers through her sobs. "I... could you leave me? Please..." I was a for a moment speechless. She looks completely broken. "I... please let me help. You shouldn't be alone," I try to convince her.

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