Chapter 64: Breaking The Streak

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On the next day, I stood with Bianca and Nico in the arena. They should get some basic idea about fighting and using some powers that I am well versed in. To be honest, I should see whether there are more things I can do due to my Hades heritage. Perhaps even things that Nyx can do. Now, that I think about it, but perhaps an offer to Nyx should be made. From what I have gathered and Annabeth surmised, Nyx birthed me into an immortal being.

I watch the siblings closely as they train with practice swords. Bianca is talented with a sword. I can already tell she will go far. The boy is not bad, but lacks the pure talent of his sister. I do think he is more in tune with the powers of Hades. It's like they are two sides of the same coin. I can see that as a duo, they will probably be a very powerful force.

The longer I see them dodge, thrust, and hew as their duel continues. I find the sheer talent of Bianca is only comparable to what I have seen in Percy, Luke, and Thalia. Nico is probably as talented as me in the arts of the more magical prowess. Even if my powers now include those of my own sphere. Nico and Bianca will go far, that much is clear.

"They are talented," Percy says as he joins me. "I agree, but I hope they won't become arrogant. It will be their undoing otherwise."

"Can I speak with you for a moment?" Percy asks. "Sure. Bianca, Nico, I am stepping away for a few minutes! Keep going! You're doing great, just don't cut each other's limbs off," I call out. They send me a thumbs up and continue with their practice.

Percy and I sit down in one of the seats in the arena. He looks worried and fearful of whatever he experienced. After taking a deep breath, he turns to look at me.

"First, have you felt anything concerning Annabeth? Is she still alive?" He asks. "I haven't felt anything wrong, but what is this about? This is not making me feel any better," I say worriedly.

"I have dreams from time to time. They concern things of import most often. This time I saw Luke and Annabeth. They were is some sort of cavern where he tricked her to hold the ceiling up. From what I saw, it was painful," he explains. "Anything else? I need more than vague dreams, Percy!" I say with concern and irritation.

"I don't know! It was all I could discern from the dream! I even went to the Oracle to ask for guidance, but I got nothing from it," he says defensively, "I talked to Grover about it, and he mentioned that Zoe saw something similar during her dream. But instead it was about Artemis. Grover said that Artemis is kidnapped."

"Gods... one does not easily kidnap a Goddess, Percy. Let alone keep someone as powerful as Artemis locked away. This is bad and I hate it! We need to go and find them," I say and stand up in a rush. "Chiron forbade it. We are not allowed to. Zoe wanted to come to the rescue of Artemis, but Chiron forbade her. Basically saying she has to wait for the orders of Artemis. But we all know that is not going to happen," Percy says with his own dislike.

"Do you ever feel powerless, Percy? For all my power and future power, I feel powerless. I promised Annabeth that I will protect her, to stay at her side. There is nothing I can do to help her, I don't even know where she is. I am breaking my vow to her," I say softly.

"This is out of your control, Aileen. I am sure Annabeth will forgive you for it," Percy says as he puts an arm around me.

"I am just not sure whether I can forgive myself if something does happen. But thank you for saying it, Percy. I think we should get ready for this stupid game," I say with a deep sigh and stand back up. "Are you sure you want to join? It's okay to sit this one out," Percy suggests.

"It's fine. I rather want to distract myself for now. Or I am just going to storm off on my own," I say with a weak smile and take a deep breath, "Come, I am sure they are about to start. Besides, Thalia persuaded everyone to make me leader for some reason. I need to explain the plan."

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