Chapter 32: For The Wild

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We step outside the shadows of a cluster of trees just a bit away of the diner. The parking space is just in front of us and the bike of Ares is parked there. Percy and Grover are waiting next to Ares close to the bike. Ares seems in a good mood, probably because of what he saw through the cameras. As we get close, Ares turns to us.

"That was a wonderful show! I was ready to kill you Death Girl, but am I glad I did not do that! It was priceless the way Athena was observing the spectacle," Ares booms out. You could almost say he is practically holding in is laughter.

"I hope it came over as positive... I rather not get cursed by her. Anyway, here is the shield," I mumble out and toss the shield to him. It turns to a bulletproof vest as Ares catches it. "That's better. Here, girly. Some things to get you through the coming days," he says, and tosses me a backpack.

"Thank you, Lord Ares. How will we get to Los Angeles?" I ask. He points across the parking lot towards a truck with words that says 'Kindness International'. It looks to be something with animals or something in that area.

"Ah, before I forget. Your mother is still alive, but captured by Hades, Percy boy. She is holding her in the Underworld," Ares says as he mounts his Harvey again, driving away.

"Before we get to why you are so down, Grover. I like to know why Hades has kidnapped my mother, Aileen," Percy says as we sit in a space with all kind of animals locked up in cages surrounding us. It is easy to see why Grover is sad. The small space that allows us to sit makes it easy to hear the animals. As Grover can understand them, he must know of their wishes and pains.

"Percy, if I knew the answer to that, we wouldn't be here. But Zeus blames you for stealing the Bolt. That would make Hades pin you as the prime suspect as well for stealing her helmet. Your mother is... a bargaining tool. Give back the Helmet of Darkness to get your mother back," I explained calmly.

Percy seems to accept it, but does not like it at all. I can't blame him. Even Gods should not take people hostage, especially good mothers. Percy has not said much about her, but clearly she is important to him. I assume because she is a good parent.

"Hades best treat her well till I get there," Percy says softly, but with a tinge of bitterness in his voice. "My mother is called the 'Hospitable One', Percy. Trust me, your mother is, eh, being taken hostage by the best Goddess you can imagine," I say with a slight chuckle.

Percy sighs deeply. "I take your word for it, Aileen. But I hope I won't regret trusting you," Percy says. "I never lie, Percy. I may be wrong, of course, but you'll never hear me say a lie. It is not in my nature," I say before turning to Grover.

"She has never lied, Percy. I have never noticed her lying to anyone. And I am almost always by her side," Annabeth chimes in before I spoke to Grover. Percy only nodded in acceptance.

"So, Grover, what's wrong?" I ask. "These animals...they want to be free. The people in charge have been mistreating them. Forcing them to do tricks, barely feeding them, and they get regular beatings from the drivers. It's horrible!" He explains with a whole scale of emotions. It does sound horrible. They will suffer when they die. Hades will see to it.

"We can't really do much... I mean, we won't be going somewhere that will be... suitable for lions, or some of the other animals. Where will they go if we free them?" Annabeth asks, hand going through her golden hair.

Grover started to speak with them again in sounds akin to the animals themselves. It is a wonder to see, actually. You do not see it every day that someone is having a conversation with wild animals.

"As long as we release them before we reach Las Vegas, they will be able to survive on their own," Grover says eventually. The animals are looking with pained and pleading eyes at us. Some make noises of desperation. I am not able to resist it. Annabeth looks with teary eyes at the animals as Percy does too.

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