"Lady Artemis wishes to speak with thee," Zoe says as she approaches us. I waited patiently with the others to be summoned by the Goddess.
During the waiting, Thalia gave me the Yankee cap of Annabeth. Apparently, it fell off her head on the ground before she disappeared. I kept it in my hands with care as if it was the greatest treasure to be found on this planet. My entire being is filled with worry. I worry what kind of torture Luke will put her through. There is no doubt in me this was orchestrated by him or Kronos.
I haven't heard anything about Bianca yet, but no doubt the offer has been made. It may be an enticing and good offer, but it could also cause great loss. To make her realize, I quickly went to the camp to fetch something. A very important item that will give Bianca something to think about.
We soon entered the tent of Lady Artemis. The inside is just as I expected from someone like her. It was definitely comfortable as many cushions and carpets were spread on the ground. On the walls, many different kind of animal skin were displayed. Bears, tigers, even a lion. Behind the Goddess was her large silver bow, which was carved in the form of the horns of a gazelle. In the middle, a silver brazier was on fire with no obvious source of fire in it.
Artemis was waiting for us as she welcomed us with a polite smile, but with a stern expression. I have no qualms with the Goddess. Artemis is reasonable and for the most part good-hearted, as far as I know. We all sat down as she looked each of us over with eyes that contained the wisdom of a person that lived for thousands of years. To be honest, she probably is that old. The gaze of Artemis goes to Percy again.
"Are you surprised by my age?" She asks him. "Uhm, yes, a little bit," Percy admits. "I could appear as a grown woman, or a blazing fire, or anything else I want, but this is what I prefer. This represents the average age of my Hunters, and all young maidens for whom I am patron, before they go astray," she explains to Percy. He looks confused about the last word.
"Astray?" Percy asks confused. "Grow up. Before they become smitten with boys or girls in some cases. Become silly, preoccupied, insecure. Forget themselves," Artemis explains calmly to him.
"I do not wish to insult you, but that is called life. People grow as they become older. Discover who they are, who they love, what they like or dislike. They become who they are destined to be," I interjected. In the meantime, Zoe was looking at Percy with great distaste. Like he was an insect that needs to be squashed. Zoe also looked to disagree with me passionately at my counter statement.
"This is not the time to convince you that your ideals are disillusioned, Lady Aileen. There are more pressing matters I want to discuss with you," Artemis says. "Indeed. I have some as well, but you may go first. We are the guests, after all," I say to her. Artemis raises an eyebrow, but soon looked towards Thalia.
"I have heard from Bianca of some disturbing things. The manticore said some worrisome statements, but I like to hear from you too, Thalia. She said you were... close enough to hear it speak. Did it say anything to you?" Artemis asks.
Thalia sighs, but nods. She retold everything that happened. Explained what she heard from him, which were mainly things he hated about the children at the school. There were something about power, but that is nothing new with the Titans. I did not hear anything gravely wrong.
"I see. From what I gathered, I fear that something dangerous is afoot," Artemis says as she strokes her bow while deep in thought. "The scent?" Zoe asks as she looks to her Lady. "Yes. Monsters are stirring again that I have not hunted in thousands of years. So old that I have nearly forgotten," she says. Her gaze goes to Bianca again.
"Bianca, what was it that the manticore said exactly?" She asks her. "Eh, that he hated school dances," Bianca answers. "No, after that."
"That the General will explain everything," Bianca says. Zoe paled at what she heard, before she could say anything, Artemis hushed her. "Please, continue," Artemis says.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...