Chapter 17: The Goddess Hades

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Hades stops in front of Dionysus. He wanted to speak, but Hades raised a hand to keep him quiet. She turns to face all the campers, some bowing, others doing other signs of respect. Hades looks with a sharp gaze over everyone. Some are sweating from pure anxiety.

I glance at Annabeth, she seems very nervous as she almost wants to drop to the floor in reference. "It's okay, Annabeth. Hades won't do anything," I assured her. "Aileen... I am nervous because of something else," she says as her gaze is fixated on Dionysus, Chiron, and Hades.

"At ease, you foolish children. This is a friendly visit. Do none of you know the rules of Xenia? I will not bring harm to any of you while I am here," she says, rather annoyed. Probably a bit insulted as well. The campers practically jump to their feet to follow the command. Hades does not give them a second glance as she looks to Dionysus and Chiron again.

"Aunt Hades, lovely seeing you here. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Dionysus greets her. "To inform you that I want a cabin of my own, nephew," she says flatly. He raises an eyebrow as he looks past her towards the new cabin. "You made that very clear, Hades."

Her gaze continues to look down at him with such intensity. It is a surprise that he is not balling on the ground in fear. At a quick glance at the campers, and I can already tell it is what most Demigods present would want to do. Finding a hole in the ground and to be out of the presence of Hades. I find her presence rather comforting.

"It wasn't a request. I already informed the Gods affected by this. No complaints from them," she says. "Even Lord Zeus?" Her eyes start to burn brightly orange. "No," she seethes out angrily, "I don't care what he thinks. Chiron, I expect you to train her well in all things to make sure she survives her years as a Demigod. That's all I have to say to you two."

Hades turns to me and walks with a fast but confident pace towards me. She crouches down when she reaches me. A faint smile present on her lips as she looks at me. "My child, welcome back. I am sorry that you did not see Alexandra alive when you came back. She wanted me to tell you that she is very proud of you. As am I."

I smile at her. "Thank you, mother. I am happy to see you." Her smile widens ever so slightly.

The gaze of Hades then goes to Annabeth, who seems very pale as she stands next to me. "Are your intentions pure, child of Athena?" Annabeth nervously swallows before nodding softly. "Don't disappoint me." Hades stands back up and glances around briefly before disappearing in black smoke.

It was very quiet after Hades vanished. I hope this won't become negative for me. Of course, I am very happy she claimed me and is proud of me, but the looks I receive... They are weary of me. Luckily, Annabeth seems more relieved than anything else about the words that were directed at her.

"Lucky you, Aide. Got a cabin all to yourself," Dionysus says before looking at the campers. "Alright, shows over. Lady Hades is not here anymore, so unfortunately you won't die," Dionysus says before trudging back to the Big House.

"Best be careful till you turn sixteen, Aileen. The Gods are watching you carefully. They won't do anything, I think. But you never know," he says to me as a warning. Although, he meant it in a friendly manner, not with any ill intention. He soon follows Dionysus to the Big House.

"Hades seems nice," I say, turning to Annabeth with a smile. Annabeth looks at me if I am not fully here. "To you, maybe..." she mumbles. I look around us, almost everyone seems to be looking for their happy places. And to get away from where Hades just appeared. I mentally sighed deeply.

"Daughter of Hades. I should have known," I hear Clarisse say from behind me. I turn towards her. "Don't let the looks you get dissuade you. You just gotta prove yourself that you're not going to bring doom on them."

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