Annabeth Chase
We went through the dusty abandoned mineshaft. Rachel leads the way once we found ourselves in the many corridors and rooms of Labyrinth. I truly want to save wherever Grover, Tyson, and Zoe are, but how are we supposed to find them? At least we won't get lost while Rachel is leading us. The girl is alright. Her attitude could use some work, but she's okay in my book.
I hope that Zoe and company aren't far in the Labyrinth. The powerful ladies may even be able to transport us out. As we turn another corner we soon found ourselves standing on a cross-section. Rachel stopped for a moment as she turns her head to the tunnel made out of volcanic rock. It exudes evil and the smell of eucalyptus. Similar to what I smelled in the garden of Hera.
"This is how Luke entered the Labyrinth," I say and nod to the entrance.
"Evil lurks there. Luckily it is not where we have to go," Rachel says with a shaky voice. I guess she fears the Gods after all. Although, Aileen only exudes comfort and trust. It is harder to pinpoint for Calypso. Her presence is mystifying as if she wants it to be a mystery to those around her. I think only Bianca feels her true presence and its meaning of it.
"We don't need to go down there. It is most likely Mount Orthys, the Titan's Palace," I continue to say.
"I will have a quick look," Percy says. Gods, he is an imbecile. Zoe would be lucky if she ever saw him pass the age of twenty. I don't even know why he keeps putting himself in needless danger. There is nothing for him to prove.
"Then we all go-" I started to say before a stern voice fills the corridor, a bright light pulsing from the ring. Aileen sounded borderline angry at Percy and if Calypso could talk through it, she would forbid it in even harsher words most likely. I can't say he doesn't bring it out of everyone.
"You will not enter that place. What has gotten in that rotten brain of yours, Percy? Find Zoe, Grover, and Tyson. Don't go charging into the palace of the Titan Lord. You know what is happening in there," Aileen says
"The Titan Lord is in there, isn't he?" Bianca says.
"Yes, something is happening there. I don't want-" Aileen starts to say before Percy cut in again.
"We need to know what he is up to! Am I the only one that sees the use in more information?" He asks around.
"Calypso and I can't go and rescue you if you are in trouble, Idiot! A magic barrier that makes the barriers around Calypso's island look like child's play are surrounding the place. The palace is too well protected by multiple Titans and Gods. You will not have our aid in there," Aileen says to convince Percy not to go in.
"I won't be saying hello if you're worried about that. It will give us useful info. I just have to know what he is up to," Percy says determinedly. It's useless to argue at this point. The boy is stubborn. We may as well let him do it, but someone should go with him.
"I'll go with you," Bianca says as if to answer my mental question.
"Calypso says she is wholeheartedly against it. She demands that you stay far away."
"Tell her I have taken her opinion into account."
"She is not happy, Bianca. Very unhappy, and that's putting it mildly."
"I know, I love her too. Just tell her I will give her plenty of kisses as compensation. Percy, let's go."
"Calypso demands a hundred from you!" Aileen says as Percy and Bianca go into the tunnel. Bianca only responds with a thumbs up and rosy cheeks. I was left with Rachel and Aileen on the remote.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...