Bianca di Angelo
We all ran through the Labyrinth once again. With great speed, the bronze metal spider races through it. It didn't take long till Grover suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. It was a section that split into different ways. The spider went into one made of stone while Grover looked into the one made of dirt and roots.
"This is the way! This is it," Grover exclaims, shocked to sense something he felt from the dirt tunnel.
"What is it? Is it Pan?" I ask.
"You can't smell it?" He asks us. I do not smell anything, but that may just be me. Grover is probably more... sensitive.
"Well, what do you want to do? The spider is getting away!" Nico says as he motions to the running spider.
"Urgh, are you very sure, Grover?"
"I am Annabeth. This is the way!"
"Have no fear, I will go with him," Zoe says. Tyson smiles a bit as well. "I will go with goat man too. Keep them safe," he says.
"Be careful, alright?" Percy says to the trio. In a swift and heartwarming motion, Zoe places her lips on those of Percy. "We will, Water Boy. Keep an eye on them."
"Alright, Satyr. Move out."
The trio went into the tunnel and all disappear within it. We did not have much time to saunter around as we rush after the spider. Percy was smiling though. Good for him.
"So... things are going well, it seems," I say to him as we run after the irritating spider.
"Yeah, thanks for talking to her. She barely listens to me sometimes. Zoe is a tough one, but sweet," Percy says.
"Is it just me or is it getting hotter?" Nico asks.
"No, it's definitely getting warmer. We're close. Stay alert everyone," Annabeth says and makes sure to have my invisibility cap ready.
The sounds came closer and closer. It consisted of roaring lava sounds. Metals being moved and some sort of shouting. For me, it was hard to make out what exactly was. I am not too familiar with what goes with forging, but something is definitely being made. Only, there are also sounds associated with a classroom.
The bronze metal spider we have been following stops as we enter a very large space. This is definitely the forge of Hephaestus. This room is insanely hot. Even for me and Nico that can tolerate heat, this is too much. In the middle of the room was a large black iron anvil surrounded by machines, cauldrons, forges, you name it. I can see why he loves this place.
"I got this. I will sneak up and see what's going on alright?" She says. Even if we wanted to argue back, she already turned invisible. Leaving us near the entrance as she used the sides of the cavern to get to the center of the forge.
"Do you feel her movements?" Nico asks softly. I shake my head. "No, I can't. That cap really makes her invincible. Sorry."
"I don't like this. We should stick together here," Percy says as he looks into the large cavern.
"I know, but we can't hide in the shadows. The lava makes the room too bright. There are probably a lot of other sources of light. We will be spotted if we're not very careful.
"We can still go in! Annabeth is a great and capable person, but this feels wrong," Percy argues back. He makes a good point, still, we need to be smart about this. We can just willy-nilly walk around. It is better if I go inside. At least I can feel them coming.
"Alright, fine. I will go in and see what's going on. You two stay here and hold the exit. Without it we are doomed, okay?"
"Sis! I won't let you go in alone," Nico protested fiercely. I owe Aileen for staying with him. He is a good brother to have. Loyal to a fault and protective of his family and friends. Still, he is not the best-suited person for this.

Unlikely Heroes
FanfictionHumans have forgotten, or are just ignorant. Perhaps they just moved on from the past. That's unfortunately not the case for most Demigods. Children of mortals and Gods. Zeus, Poseidon, to a lesser extent Hades, and other Olympian Gods... most Gods...