Christmas Day - Wilhelm's POV

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I walked down the stairs to find the Christmas tree and my parents sitting around it. Malin was also there and so was a photographer. It was my first Christmas without Erik so it felt lonely. Especially because I didn't have Simon. I wish I was with him around a fire right now.
"Good morning, Crown Prince Wilhelm." The photographer shook my hand.
I wasn't in my pajamas like most kids, I had to look presentable. I sat down next to my father and he handed me a present. I slowly open it, feeling everyone's eyes lay on me.
"Oh! A new suit." I pretended to be excited. I get a suit every year and it's annoying. I just want to be a regular kid. I got up and walked toward the restroom.
Everyone looked at me, "Where are you going, Wille?" My mom questioned.
"Going to the toilet." I pointed towards the bathroom before walking in. I locked the door and pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Simon. We haven't talked in forever but, I needed him more than ever.
I texted him, "Merry Christmas, Simon." and sent the message.
Soon, he read the message. Is he mad? Does he want to talk? Does he even remember me? A ding comes from the phone.
"I love you too."
A tear dropped down onto my phone. I put my phone back into my pocket and left the restroom. I wiped a happy tear as I walked out. I was genuinely smiling now. I headed towards the front door.
"What are you doing, Wilhelm?" My mother asked.
I ignored her and opened the door and stepped out into the snow. I started running toward Bjärstad.
"Crown Prince!" I heard Malin yell from behind me.
I sprinted, as fast as possible. I reached the skate park, then the football field, and then my destination, Simon's house. Malin had slowed down and was far behind but I still kept looking behind me. I rang the doorbell to see Linda.
"Oh! Wilhelm, I didn't know you were coming around." She giggled.
I smiled. "Yeah, may I see Simon?" I asked.
"Of course! Come in, come in." She opened the door fully for me.
I walked a little faster then usual to Simon's room. He walked out and we looked at each other. I smiled at him, genuinely.
"Wille..?" He looked confused but, excited.
We met and I hugged him. "I love you more, Simon and I've missed you, so so much." A tear rolled down my face and onto his shirt. We pulled apart and I put my forehead to his. We were both smiling at each other, impatiently.
"That's impossible, Wille." He spoke.
I closed the space between us and that was it. We were back together.

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