Simon? - Wilhelm's POV

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Author's Note: Sorry for not writing lol! I actually wrote this short piece for my creative writing class! I plan to write more soon. Also, I made Simon and Wilhelm be just friends for this. Idk why but, enjoy!
A knock erupts from my door. I tell the person to come in and my door opens. I look over to see Henry standing at my door. We greet each other before he tells me the news.
"Simon has gone missing."
A tear rolled down my cheek as I looked down at my hand where Simon had drawn a heart. I shake my head before getting up and running out of the room.
"Wille, where are you going?" Henry yelled after me.
I made my way to the forest. The wind blew past me as I sprinted, letting everything behind me go. I heard Henry scream again as the trees hit me. The branches made a difficult path as I paved through.
"Simon!" I screamed, "Simon!"
The sun changed positions as my feet slowed down. I found myself in a clearing that left nothing but grass and flowers.
"We need to head back, Wilhelm," Henry panted.
I looked down at my watch to see the time had changed by three hours, "Fine," I studied the area for human traces one last time.
We made our way back to the boarding school just before curfew. I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling the whole night.
Throughout the next couple days, I would spend my time outside of school searching for Simon until August invited me to a party he was throwing that night. I accept the offer, needing to get Simon off my mind. He reveals the location as an abandoned building in the middle of the forest. I shrugged before making my way to class.
"Are you going to the party tonight?" Felice questioned.
I nodded, sitting down next to her, "Thank god you'll be there."
"It's good you're going too! You've been all depressed after Simon went missing and I think you need to get your mind off it," She crossed her arms.
The clock hit midnight and I began to make my way through the forest, hitting the same trees as before. Felice linked arms with mine as we made our way through the smushy mud. We giggled at the feeling.
"I'm so happy that I don't have a crush on you anymore," She spat out.
I chuckled, "Why are you grateful? Am I not handsome enough?"
"No..." She paused, "It would just be really awkward to watch you have a crush on Simon."
I gulped, "Is it that obvious?" We stopped walking and looked at each other.
Felice sighed, "Yes, Wille."
"I can't believe he's still missing and nobody has gone looking for him!" I threw my arms in the air, feeling the tightness hit my lungs.
"We'll find him," She grabbed my hand, "But tonight we are letting loose!"
I fixed my hair with my other hand, "Okay."
We both paved the way to a concrete building with vines hanging on the sides. The only entrances were through windows and the walls looked to be implanted into the ground. Felice and I climbed through a window to find bright lights and blaring music. She led me to the dance floor almost immediately. A table of drinks was set out and I grabbed one, unknowing of the liquid inside. I gulped it down and tried to let go a little.
"I'll be back! I'm going to the restroom!" Felice shouted through the music.
I yelled back, "Got it!"
Suddenly, she was gone and I was in a room with people I knew that didn't know me. Henry, August, and the rest of the friend group spun around, dancing like there was no tomorrow. Maybe there was no tomorrow. And that was the moment I saw the last person I wanted to see. Standing there was Sara, Simon's sister who was also Felice's best friend. I felt the dizziness hit me then the anxiety building up in my chest. My feet took me towards the first door I saw. My hand hit the handle and I stumbled in, slamming the door behind me. I allowed my back to hit the door and my knees buckled, making me fall to the cold floor. Tears flowed down my face as I reflected memories that were now engraved into my brain. Simon's face shuttered through my mind.
"Wille?" I heard a muffled voice.
I frantically looked around the room, "What? Who's there?"
I wiped a tear before my legs brought me back to my feet. My eyes bolted in every direction. The room had no windows and I could hear the faint noise of music on the other side of the door. I walked warily in the direction of the voice.
"Wilhelm..." The voice croaked again.
I stared at the corner of the room when I spotted the person sitting there, muffling my name.

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