Actually Gaming - Wilhelm's POV

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"You suck at this!" Simon laughed.
We were playing Mario Kart, which I had never played. I never really had time or was allowed to play video games when I was younger. I kept running into the walls of the track, not knowing how to control anything. Simon was playing as Yoshi while I was playing as Shy Guy.
I groaned. "This damn game is so difficult!"
"Wille, this is one of the easiest." Simon crossed the finished line.
My character was still on the second lap.
"Here, let me help you."
Simon sat behind me and placed his hands on top of mine. He directed me towards the middle of the track instead of the side. I felt his slow breathing close to my ear.
"Okay, this joystick controls where you go and this button drops items."
I stumbled. "Mhm." That's all that came out of my mouth.
He giggled and sat back on his side of the bed. "Oh and the A button is what makes you actually move forward."
I began playing on my own, trying to focus on the game instead of Simon. At this point, I was in 12th place, behind all of the computers. I made it to the 3rd lap and Simon kept cheering me on.
I smiled. "This actually isn't that hard."
"I told you, it's one of the easiest games." Simon reminded me.
I crossed the finish line. "Great job, Wille!"
He hugged me and I hugged him back, dropping the controller.

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